mindmeld.converter.rasa module

This module contains the Rasacoverter class used to convert Rasa projects into MindMeld projects

class mindmeld.converter.rasa.RasaConverter(rasa_project_directory, mindmeld_project_directory)[source]

Bases: mindmeld.converter.converter.Converter

The class is a sub class of the abstract Converter class. This class contains the methods required to convert a Rasa project into a MindMeld project


Main function that will convert a Rasa project into a MindMeld project.

The Rasa project consists of three major files that contain much of data
that is converted into the MindMeld project:
/domain.yml - Contains all of the intents, entities, actions, and templates
used in the rasa project
/data/stories.md - Contains the stories which are used to match intents and
actions together
/data/nlu_data.md - Contains the training data for each intent. Some of the
training data may contain entities

limitations: - Rasa has the ability to handle multiple intents per query, while MindMeld does not. - Rasa training data may be json format, which is not currently supported. - Rasa has a feature called Rasa forms which is not currently supported. - Rasa's configuration files are not transfered, instead generic MindMeld configuration files are copied over.

static create_custom_features(mindmeld_project_directory, main_file_loc)[source]

Creates key MindMeld folders for project.


Creates MindMeld __init__.py file.


Method to transfer and reformat the training data in a Rasa Project


x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x.