Source code for mindmeld.text_preparation.spacy_model_factory

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"""This module contains a Spacy Model Factory."""
import importlib
import logging
import subprocess
import spacy

from ..constants import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SpacyModelFactory: """Spacy (Language) Model Factory Class"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_spacy_language_model(language, spacy_model_size="lg", disable=()): """Get a Spacy Language model. Args: language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. spacy_model_name (str): Name of the Spacy NER model (Ex: "en_core_web_sm") disable (Iterable[str]): Tuple of pipeline elements to disable. ('ner', 'tagger', 'parser', etc.) Returns: nlp: Spacy language model. (Ex: "") """ SpacyModelFactory.validate_spacy_language(language) SpacyModelFactory.validate_spacy_model_size(spacy_model_size) spacy_model_name = SpacyModelFactory._get_spacy_model_name( language, spacy_model_size ) return SpacyModelFactory._load_model(spacy_model_name, disable)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_spacy_language(language): """Check if the language is valid. Args: language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. """ if language not in SPACY_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES: raise ValueError("Spacy does not currently support: {!r}.".format(language))
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_spacy_model_size(spacy_model_size): """Check if the model size is valid. Args: spacy_model_size (str, optional): Size of the Spacy model to use. ("sm", "md", or "lg") """ if spacy_model_size not in SPACY_MODEL_SIZES: raise ValueError( "{!r} is not a valid model size. Select from: {!r}.".format( spacy_model_size, " ".join(SPACY_MODEL_SIZES) ) )
@staticmethod def _load_model(spacy_model_name, disable=()): """Load Spacy English model. Download if needed. Args: spacy_model_name (str): Name of the Spacy NER model (Ex: "en_core_web_sm") disable (Iterable[str]): Tuple of pipeline elements to disable. ('ner', 'tagger', 'parser', etc.) Returns: nlp: Spacy language model. (Ex: "") """"Loading Spacy model %s.", spacy_model_name) try: return spacy.load(spacy_model_name, disable=disable) except OSError: logger.warning( "%s not found on disk. Downloading the model.", spacy_model_name ) SpacyModelFactory._download_spacy_model(spacy_model_name) language_module = SpacyModelFactory._import_spacy_model(spacy_model_name) return language_module.load(disable=disable) @staticmethod def _get_spacy_model_name(language, spacy_model_size): """Get the name of a Spacy Model. Args: language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. spacy_model_size (str, optional): Size of the Spacy model to use. ("sm", "md", or "lg") Returns: spacy_model_name (str): Name of the Spacy NER model (Ex: "en_core_web_sm") """ model_type = "web" if language in SPACY_WEB_TRAINED_LANGUAGES else "news" return f"{language}_core_{model_type}_{spacy_model_size}" @staticmethod def _download_spacy_model(spacy_model_name): """Download Spacy Model. Args: spacy_model_name (str): Name of the Spacy NER model (Ex: "en_core_web_sm") """ [ "python", "-m", "spacy", "download", spacy_model_name, "--default-timeout=1000", ], check=True, ) @staticmethod def _import_spacy_model(spacy_model_name): """Attempt to Imort the Spacy Model. Args: spacy_model_name (str): Name of the Spacy NER model (Ex: "en_core_web_sm") Returns: language_module (module): Imported language module. """ try: return importlib.import_module(spacy_model_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise ValueError( "Unknown Spacy model name: {!r}.".format(spacy_model_name) ) from error