Source code for mindmeld.models.text_models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
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This module contains all code required to perform multinomial classification
of text.
import logging
import operator
import os
import random

import joblib
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel, SelectPercentile
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder as SKLabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler, StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

from .evaluation import EvaluatedExample, StandardModelEvaluation
from .helpers import (
from .model import ModelConfig, Model, PytorchModel, AbstractModelFactory
from .nn_utils import get_sequence_classifier_cls, SequenceClassificationType
from ..resource_loader import ProcessedQueryList as PQL

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TextModel(Model): # classifier types LOG_REG_TYPE = "logreg" DECISION_TREE_TYPE = "dtree" RANDOM_FOREST_TYPE = "rforest" SVM_TYPE = "svm" ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES = [LOG_REG_TYPE, DECISION_TREE_TYPE, RANDOM_FOREST_TYPE, SVM_TYPE] # default model scoring type ACCURACY_SCORING = "accuracy" _NEG_INF = -1e10 def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self._class_encoder = SKLabelEncoder() self._feat_vectorizer = DictVectorizer() self._feat_selector = self._get_feature_selector() self._feat_scaler = self._get_feature_scaler() self._meta_type = None self._meta_feat_vectorizer = DictVectorizer(sparse=False) self._base_clfs = {} self.cv_loss_ = None self.train_acc_ = None def __getstate__(self): """Returns the information needed pickle an instance of this class. By default, pickling removes attributes with names starting with underscores. This overrides that behavior. """ attributes = self.__dict__.copy() attributes["_resources"] = { rname: self._resources.get(rname, {}) for rname in [ WORD_FREQ_RSC, QUERY_FREQ_RSC, WORD_NGRAM_FREQ_RSC, CHAR_NGRAM_FREQ_RSC, ] } return attributes def _get_model_constructor(self): """Returns the class of the actual underlying model""" classifier_type = self.config.model_settings["classifier_type"] try: return { TextModel.LOG_REG_TYPE: LogisticRegression, TextModel.DECISION_TREE_TYPE: DecisionTreeClassifier, TextModel.RANDOM_FOREST_TYPE: RandomForestClassifier, TextModel.SVM_TYPE: SVC, }[classifier_type] except KeyError as e: msg = "{}: Classifier type {!r} not recognized" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, classifier_type)) from e def _get_cv_scorer(self, selection_settings): """ Returns the scorer to use based on the selection settings and classifier type, defaulting to accuracy. """ return selection_settings.get("scoring", TextModel.ACCURACY_SCORING)
[docs] def select_params(self, examples, labels, selection_settings=None): y = self._label_encoder.encode(labels) X, y, groups = self.get_feature_matrix(examples, y, fit=True) clf, params = self._fit_cv(X, y, groups, selection_settings) self._clf = clf return params
def _fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): """Trains a classifier without cross-validation. Args: examples (numpy.matrix): The feature matrix for a dataset. labels (numpy.array): The target output values. params (dict): Parameters of the classifier """ params = self._convert_params(params, labels, is_grid=False) model_class = self._get_model_constructor() params = self._clean_params(model_class, params) return model_class(**params).fit(examples, labels)
[docs] def predict_log_proba(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): X, _, _ = self.get_feature_matrix(examples, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource) predictions = self._predict_proba(X, self._clf.predict_log_proba) # JSON can't reliably encode infinity, so replace it with large number for row in predictions: _, probas = row for label, proba in probas.items(): if proba == -np.Infinity: probas[label] = TextModel._NEG_INF return predictions
def _get_feature_weight(self, feat_name, label_class): """Retrieves the feature weight from the coefficient matrix. If there are only two classes, the feature vector is actually collapsed into one so we need some logic to handle that case. Args: feat_name (str) : The feature name label_class (int): The index of the label Returns: (ndarray float): The ndarray with a single float element """ if len(self._class_encoder.classes_) == 2 and label_class >= 1: return np.array([0.0]) else: return self._clf.coef_[ label_class, self._feat_vectorizer.vocabulary_[feat_name] ]
[docs] def inspect(self, example, gold_label=None, dynamic_resource=None): """This class takes an example and returns a 2D list for every feature with feature name, feature value, feature weight and their product for the predicted label. If gold label is passed in, we will also include the feature value and weight for the gold label and returns the log probability of the difference. Args: example (Query): The query to be predicted gold_label (str): The gold label for this string dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference Returns: (list of lists): A 2D array that includes every feature, their value, weight and \ probability """ if not isinstance(self._clf, LogisticRegression): logging.warning( "Currently inspection is only available for Logistic Regression Model" ) return [] try: gold_class = self._class_encoder.transform([gold_label]) except ValueError: logger.warning("Unable to decode label `%s`", gold_label) gold_class = None pred_label = self.predict([example], dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource)[0] pred_class = self._class_encoder.transform([pred_label]) features = self._extract_features( example, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, text_preparation_pipeline=self.text_preparation_pipeline )"Predicted: %s.", pred_label) if gold_class is None: columns = ["Feature", "Value", "Pred_W({0})".format(pred_label), "Pred_P"] else: columns = [ "Feature", "Value", "Pred_W({0})".format(pred_label), "Pred_P", "Gold_W({0})".format(gold_label), "Gold_P", "Diff", ]"Gold: %s.", gold_label) inspect_table = [columns] # Get all active features sorted alphabetically by name features = sorted(features.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) for feature in features: feat_name = feature[0] feat_value = feature[1] # Features we haven't seen before won't be in our vectorizer # e.g., an exact match feature for a query we've never seen before if feat_name not in self._feat_vectorizer.vocabulary_: continue weight = self._get_feature_weight(feat_name, pred_class) product = feat_value * weight if gold_class is None: row = [ feat_name, round(feat_value, 4), weight.round(4), product.round(4), "-", "-", "-", ] else: gold_w = self._get_feature_weight(feat_name, gold_class) gold_p = feat_value * gold_w diff = gold_p - product row = [ feat_name, round(feat_value, 4), weight.round(4), product.round(4), gold_w.round(4), gold_p.round(4), diff.round(4), ] inspect_table.append(row) return inspect_table
def _predict_proba(self, X, predictor): predictions = [] for row in predictor(X): probabilities = {} top_class = None for class_index, proba in enumerate(row): raw_class = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform([class_index])[0] decoded_class = self._label_encoder.decode([raw_class])[0] probabilities[decoded_class] = proba if proba > probabilities.get(top_class, -1.0): top_class = decoded_class predictions.append((top_class, probabilities)) return predictions
[docs] def get_feature_matrix(self, examples, y=None, fit=False, dynamic_resource=None): """Transforms a list of examples into a feature matrix. Args: examples (list): The examples. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: * (numpy.matrix): The feature matrix. * (numpy.array): The group labels for examples. """ groups = [] feats = [] for idx, example in enumerate(examples): feats.append( self._extract_features(example, dynamic_resource, self.text_preparation_pipeline) ) groups.append(idx) X, y = self._preprocess_data(feats, y, fit=fit) return X, y, groups
def _preprocess_data(self, X, y=None, fit=False): if fit: y = self._class_encoder.fit_transform(y) X = self._feat_vectorizer.fit_transform(X) if self._feat_scaler is not None: X = self._feat_scaler.fit_transform(X) if self._feat_selector is not None: X = self._feat_selector.fit_transform(X, y) else: X = self._feat_vectorizer.transform(X) if self._feat_scaler is not None: X = self._feat_scaler.transform(X) if self._feat_selector is not None: X = self._feat_selector.transform(X) return X, y def _convert_params(self, param_grid, y, is_grid=True): """ Convert the params from the style given by the config to the style passed in to the actual classifier. Args: param_grid (dict): lists of classifier parameter values, keyed by parameter name Returns: (dict): revised param_grid """ if "class_weight" in param_grid: raw_weights = ( param_grid["class_weight"] if is_grid else [param_grid["class_weight"]] ) weights = [ { k if isinstance(k, int) else self._class_encoder.transform((k,))[0]: v for k, v in cw_dict.items() } for cw_dict in raw_weights ] param_grid["class_weight"] = weights if is_grid else weights[0] elif "class_bias" in param_grid: # interpolate between class_bias=0 => class_weight=None # and class_bias=1 => class_weight='balanced' class_count = np.bincount(y) classes = self._class_encoder.classes_ weights = [] raw_bias = ( param_grid["class_bias"] if is_grid else [param_grid["class_bias"]] ) for class_bias in raw_bias: # these weights are same as sklearn's class_weight='balanced' balanced_w = [(len(y) / len(classes) / c) for c in class_count] balanced_tuples = list(zip(list(range(len(classes))), balanced_w)) weights.append( {c: (1 - class_bias) + class_bias * w for c, w in balanced_tuples} ) param_grid["class_weight"] = weights if is_grid else weights[0] del param_grid["class_bias"] return param_grid def _get_feature_selector(self): """Get a feature selector instance based on the feature_selector model parameter Returns: (Object): a feature selector which returns a reduced feature matrix, \ given the full feature matrix, X and the class labels, y """ if self.config.model_settings is None: selector_type = None else: selector_type = self.config.model_settings.get("feature_selector") selector = { "l1": SelectFromModel(LogisticRegression(penalty="l1", C=1, solver="liblinear")), "f": SelectPercentile(), }.get(selector_type) return selector def _get_feature_scaler(self): """Get a feature value scaler based on the model settings""" if self.config.model_settings is None: scale_type = None else: scale_type = self.config.model_settings.get("feature_scaler") scaler = { "std-dev": StandardScaler(with_mean=False), "max-abs": MaxAbsScaler(), }.get(scale_type) return scaler
[docs] def evaluate(self, examples, labels): """Evaluates a model against the given examples and labels Args: examples: A list of examples to predict labels: A list of expected labels Returns: ModelEvaluation: an object containing information about the \ evaluation """ # TODO: also expose feature weights? predictions = self.predict_proba(examples) # Create a model config object for the current effective config (after param selection) config = self._get_effective_config() evaluations = [ EvaluatedExample( e, labels[i], predictions[i][0], predictions[i][1], config.label_type ) for i, e in enumerate(examples) ] model_eval = StandardModelEvaluation(config, evaluations) return model_eval
[docs] def fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): """Trains this model. This method inspects instance attributes to determine the classifier object and cross-validation strategy, and then fits the model to the training examples passed in. Args: examples (ProcessedQueryList.*Iterator): A list of examples. labels (ProcessedQueryList.*Iterator): A parallel list to examples. The gold labels for each example. params (dict, optional): Parameters to use when training. Parameter selection will be bypassed if this is provided Returns: (TextModel): Returns self to match classifier scikit-learn \ interfaces. """ params = params or self.config.params skip_param_selection = self.config.param_selection is None # Shuffle to prevent order effects indices = list(range(len(labels))) random.shuffle(indices) examples.reorder(indices) labels.reorder(indices) distinct_labels = set(labels) if len(set(distinct_labels)) <= 1: return self # Extract features and classes y = self._label_encoder.encode(labels) X, y, groups = self.get_feature_matrix(examples, y, fit=True) if skip_param_selection: self._clf = self._fit(X, y, params) self._current_params = params else: # run cross validation to select params best_clf, best_params = self._fit_cv(X, y, groups, fixed_params=params) self._clf = best_clf self._current_params = best_params return self
[docs] def predict(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): X, _, _ = self.get_feature_matrix(examples, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource) y = self._clf.predict(X) predictions = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform(y) return self._label_encoder.decode(predictions)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): X, _, _ = self.get_feature_matrix(examples, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource) return self._predict_proba(X, self._clf.predict_proba)
[docs] def view_extracted_features(self, example, dynamic_resource=None): return self._extract_features( example, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, text_preparation_pipeline=self.text_preparation_pipeline )
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): metadata = joblib.load(path) # backwards compatability check for RoleClassifiers if isinstance(metadata, dict): return metadata["model"] # in this case, metadata = model which was serialized and dumped return metadata
def _dump(self, path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) joblib.dump(self, path)
[docs]class PytorchTextModel(PytorchModel): ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES = [v.value for v in SequenceClassificationType.__members__.values()] def _get_model_constructor(self): """Returns the class of the actual underlying model""" classifier_type = self.config.model_settings["classifier_type"] embedder_type = self.config.params.get("embedder_type") \ if self.config.params is not None else None return get_sequence_classifier_cls( classifier_type=classifier_type, embedder_type=embedder_type )
[docs] def evaluate(self, examples, labels): """Evaluates a model against the given examples and labels Args: examples: A list of examples to predict labels: A list of expected labels Returns: ModelEvaluation: an object containing information about the \ evaluation """ predictions = self.predict_proba(examples) evaluations = [ EvaluatedExample( e, labels[i], predictions[i][0], predictions[i][1], self.config.label_type ) for i, e in enumerate(examples) ] model_eval = StandardModelEvaluation(self.config, evaluations) return model_eval
[docs] def fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): if len(set(labels)) <= 1 or not examples: return self if not isinstance(examples, PQL.QueryIterator): # pytorch text models are not implemented for role-classifiers, which pass-in an # instance of ListIterator to this fit() method as opposed to QueryIterator in case of # domain- and intent-classifiers msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__}.fit() only accepts QueryIterator as the first " \ f"argument but found type: {type(examples)}. This might happen if trying to" \ f"create a deep neural net based classifier for role classification which is " \ f"currently not supported." raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Encode classes y = self._label_encoder.encode(labels) encoded_y = self._class_encoder.fit_transform(y) y = list(encoded_y) params = params or self.config.params self._set_query_text_type(params) examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) self._validate_training_data(examples_texts, y) self._clf = self._get_model_constructor()() # gets the class name and then initializes, y, **(params if params is not None else {})) return self
[docs] def predict(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): del dynamic_resource examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) y = self._clf.predict(examples_texts) predictions = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform(y) return self._label_encoder.decode(predictions)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): del dynamic_resource examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) # snippet re-used from ./ predictions = [] for row in self._clf.predict_proba(examples_texts): probabilities = {} top_class = None for class_index, proba in enumerate(row): raw_class = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform([class_index])[0] decoded_class = self._label_encoder.decode([raw_class])[0] probabilities[decoded_class] = proba if proba > probabilities.get(top_class, -1.0): top_class = decoded_class predictions.append((top_class, probabilities)) return predictions
def _dump(self, path): self._clf.dump(path) # dump model metadata metadata = { "label_encoder": self._label_encoder, "class_encoder": self._class_encoder, "query_text_type": self._query_text_type, "model_config": self.config } os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) joblib.dump(metadata, path)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): # load model metadata metadata = joblib.load(path) model = cls(metadata["model_config"]) model._label_encoder = metadata["label_encoder"] model._class_encoder = metadata["class_encoder"] model._query_text_type = metadata["query_text_type"] # underneath tagger load model._clf = model._get_model_constructor().load(path) # .load() is a classmethod return model
[docs]class TextModelFactory(AbstractModelFactory):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_model_cls(config: ModelConfig): CLASSES = [TextModel, PytorchTextModel] classifier_type = config.model_settings["classifier_type"] for _class in CLASSES: if classifier_type in _class.ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES: return _class msg = f"Invalid 'classifier_type': {classifier_type}. " \ f"Allowed types are: {[_class.ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES for _class in CLASSES]}" raise ValueError(msg)