Source code for mindmeld.models.taggers.memm

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# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
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This module contains the Memm entity recognizer.
import logging

import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel, SelectPercentile
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder as SKLabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler, StandardScaler

from .taggers import START_TAG, Tagger, extract_sequence_features

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MemmModel(Tagger): """A maximum-entropy Markov model.""" @staticmethod def _predict_proba(X): del X pass
[docs] @staticmethod def load(model_path): del model_path pass
[docs] def fit(self, X, y):, y) return self
[docs] def set_params(self, **parameters): self._clf = LogisticRegression() self._clf.set_params(**parameters) return self
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): return self._clf.get_params()
[docs] def predict(self, X, dynamic_resource=None): return self._clf.predict(X)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_example_features(example, config, resources): """Extracts feature dicts for each token in an example. Args: example (mindmeld.core.Query): A query. config (ModelConfig): The ModelConfig which may contain information used for feature \ extraction. resources (dict): Resources which may be used for this model's feature extraction. Returns: (list[dict]): Features. """ return extract_sequence_features( example, config.example_type, config.features, resources )
[docs] def extract_features(self, examples, config, resources, y=None, fit=True): """Transforms a list of examples into a feature matrix. Use extract_and_predict if you are extracting features for an example at test time, since the previous tag prediction is needed as a feature of the next tag. Args: examples (list of core.Query): The examples. config (ModelConfig): The ModelConfig which may contain information used for feature extraction resources (dict): Resources which may be used for this model's feature extraction Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: * (numpy.matrix): The feature matrix. * (numpy.array): The group labels for examples. """ groups = [] X = [] y_flat = [tag for example in y for tag in example] y_offset = 0 for i, example in enumerate(examples): features_by_segment = self.extract_example_features( example, config, resources ) X.extend(features_by_segment) groups.extend([i for _ in features_by_segment]) for j, segment in enumerate(features_by_segment): if j == 0: segment["prev_tag"] = START_TAG elif fit: segment["prev_tag"] = y_flat[y_offset + j - 1] y_offset += len(features_by_segment) X, y = self._preprocess_data(X, y_flat, fit) return X, y, groups
[docs] def extract_and_predict(self, examples, config, resources): return [ self._predict_example(example, config, resources) for example in examples ]
def _predict_example(self, example, config, resources): features_by_segment = self.extract_example_features(example, config, resources) if len(features_by_segment) == 0: return [] predicted_tags = [] prev_tag = START_TAG for features in features_by_segment: features["prev_tag"] = prev_tag X, _ = self._preprocess_data([features]) prediction = self.predict(X) predicted_tag = self.class_encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0] predicted_tags.append(predicted_tag) prev_tag = predicted_tag return predicted_tags
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples, config, resources): return [ self._predict_proba_example(example, config, resources) for example in examples ]
def _predict_proba_example(self, example, config, resources): features_by_segment = self.extract_example_features(example, config, resources) if len(features_by_segment) == 0: return [] prev_tag = START_TAG seq_log_probs = [] for features in features_by_segment: features["prev_tag"] = prev_tag X, _ = self._preprocess_data([features]) prediction = self._clf.predict_proba(X)[0] predicted_tag = np.argmax(prediction) prev_tag = self.class_encoder.inverse_transform([predicted_tag])[0] seq_log_probs.append([prev_tag, prediction[predicted_tag]]) return seq_log_probs
[docs] def predict_proba_distribution(self, examples, config, resources): return [ self._predict_proba_distribution_example(example, config, resources) for example in examples ]
def _predict_proba_distribution_example(self, example, config, resources): features_by_segment = self.extract_example_features(example, config, resources) if len(features_by_segment) == 0: return [] prev_tag = START_TAG predictions = [] tag_maps = [] for features in features_by_segment: features["prev_tag"] = prev_tag X, _ = self._preprocess_data([features]) prediction = self._clf.predict_proba(X)[0] predictions.append(list(prediction)) tag_maps.append( [ self.class_encoder.inverse_transform([i])[0] for i in range(len(prediction)) ] ) return [tag_maps, predictions] @staticmethod def _get_feature_selector(selector_type): """Get a feature selector instance based on the feature_selector model parameter. Returns: (Object): A feature selector which returns a reduced feature matrix, \ given the full feature matrix, X and the class labels, y. """ selector = { "l1": SelectFromModel(LogisticRegression(penalty="l1", C=1, solver="liblinear")), "f": SelectPercentile(), }.get(selector_type) return selector @staticmethod def _get_feature_scaler(scale_type): """Get a feature value scaler based on the model settings""" scaler = { "std-dev": StandardScaler(with_mean=False), "max-abs": MaxAbsScaler(), }.get(scale_type) return scaler
[docs] def setup_model(self, config): if config.model_settings is None: selector_type = None scale_type = None else: selector_type = config.model_settings.get("feature_selector") scale_type = config.model_settings.get("feature_scaler") self.class_encoder = SKLabelEncoder() self.feat_vectorizer = DictVectorizer() self._feat_selector = self._get_feature_selector(selector_type) self._feat_scaler = self._get_feature_scaler(scale_type)
def _preprocess_data(self, X, y=None, fit=False): if fit: y = self.class_encoder.fit_transform(y) X = self.feat_vectorizer.fit_transform(X) if self._feat_scaler is not None: X = self._feat_scaler.fit_transform(X) if self._feat_selector is not None: X = self._feat_selector.fit_transform(X, y) else: X = self.feat_vectorizer.transform(X) if self._feat_scaler is not None: X = self._feat_scaler.transform(X) if self._feat_selector is not None: X = self._feat_selector.transform(X) return X, y