Source code for mindmeld.models.model_factory

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This module contains the ModelFactory class that can resolve model class names and create/load
appropriate models

import logging
from typing import Union, Type

from .helpers import register_model, ModelType
from .model import ModelConfig, AbstractModel, AbstractModelFactory
from .tagger_models import TaggerModelFactory
from .text_models import TextModelFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelFactory: """Auto class that identifies appropriate text/tagger model from to load one based on the inputted configs or from the loaded configs file. The .create_model_from_config() methods allows to load the appropriate model when a ModelConfig is passed. The .create_model_from_path() method uses AbstractModel's load method to load a dumped config, which is then used to load appropriate model and return it through a metadata dictionary object. """ def __new__(cls, config: Union[dict, ModelConfig]) -> Type[AbstractModel]: # method for backwards compatibility in ./helpers/create_model() return cls.create_model_from_config(config)
[docs] @classmethod def create_model_from_config( cls, model_config: Union[dict, ModelConfig] ) -> Type[AbstractModel]: """ Instantiates and returns a valid model from the specified model configs Args: model_config (Union[dict, ModelConfig]): Model configs inputted either as dict or an instance of ModelConfig Returns: model (Type[AbstractModel]): A text/tagger model instance Raises: ValueError: When the configs are invalid """ is_valid_config = model_config and isinstance(model_config, (ModelConfig, dict)) if not is_valid_config: msg = f"Need a valid model config to create a text/tagger model in ModelFactory. " \ f"Found model_config={model_config} of type({type(model_config)})" raise ValueError(msg) model_config = cls._resolve_model_config(model_config) model_type = cls._get_model_type(model_config) model_class = cls._get_model_factory(model_type).get_model_cls(model_config) return model_class(model_config)
[docs] @classmethod def create_model_from_path(cls, path: str) -> Union[None, Type[AbstractModel]]: """ Loads and returns a model from the specified path Args: path (str): A pickle file path from where a model can be loaded Returns: model (Union[None, Type[AbstractModel]]): Returns None when the specified path is not found or if the model loaded from the specified path is a NoneType. If found a valid config and a valid model, the model is load by calling .load() method and returned Raises: ValueError: When the path is invalid """ if not (path and isinstance(path, str)): msg = f"Need a valid path to load a text/tagger model in ModelFactory. " \ f"Found path={path} of type({type(path)})" raise ValueError(msg) if not path.endswith(".pkl"): msg = "Model Path must end with .pkl for ModelFactory to be able to identify the model" raise ValueError(msg) try: # if loading from path, determine the ABCModel type & return after doing XxxModel.load() model_config = AbstractModel.load_model_config(path) model_config = cls._resolve_model_config(model_config) model_type = cls._get_model_type(model_config) model_class = cls._get_model_factory(model_type).get_model_cls(model_config) return model_class.load(path) except FileNotFoundError: # sometimes a model (and its config file) might not be dumped, eg. in role classifiers # or even if dumped, can be of NoneType enclosed in a dictionary msg = f"No model file found while trying to load model from path: {path}. It might " \ f"be the case that the classifier didn't need a model due to one or no classes." logger.warning(msg) return None
@staticmethod def _resolve_model_config(model_config: Union[dict, ModelConfig]) -> ModelConfig: """ Resolves and returns model configs. Args: model_config (Union[dict, ModelConfig]): If inputted as a dict, a new instance of ModelConfig is created with that dict and returned. Returns: model_config (ModelConfig): An instance of ModelConfig Raises: ValueError: When the model config is of an invalid type """ # format configs if isinstance(model_config, dict): model_config = ModelConfig(**model_config) # validate configs if not isinstance(model_config, ModelConfig): msg = f"Expected input config to be either a valid dictionary or an instance of " \ f"ModelConfig class, but found of type {type(model_config)}" raise ValueError(msg) return model_config @staticmethod def _get_model_type(model_config: ModelConfig) -> ModelType: """ Returns model type from the model config and validates if it is a valid type or not. Args: model_config (ModelConfig): An instance of ModelConfig Returns: model_type (ModelType): The model type obtained from configs Raises: ValueError: When the model type is invalid """ model_type = model_config.model_type try: return ModelType(model_type) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Invalid model configuration: Unknown model type {model_type}. " \ f"Known types are: {[v.value for v in ModelType.__members__.values()]}" raise ValueError(msg) from e @staticmethod def _get_model_factory(model_type: ModelType) -> Type[AbstractModelFactory]: """ Returns a factory based on the provided model type Args: model_type (ModelType): An object of ModelType specifying the type of model to create Returns: model_factory (Type[AbstractModelFactory]): A model factory for specified model_type """ return { ModelType.TEXT_MODEL: TextModelFactory, ModelType.TAGGER_MODEL: TaggerModelFactory, }[model_type]
[docs] @staticmethod def register_models() -> None: for model_type in [v.value for v in ModelType.__members__.values()]: register_model(model_type, ModelFactory) register_model("auto", ModelFactory)