Source code for mindmeld.models.evaluation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
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"""This module contains base classes for models defined in the models subpackage."""
import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, f1_score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support as score

from .helpers import (
from .taggers.taggers import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EvaluatedExample( namedtuple( "EvaluatedExample", ["example", "expected", "predicted", "probas", "label_type"] ) ): """Represents the evaluation of a single example Attributes: example: The example being evaluated expected: The expected label for the example predicted: The predicted label for the example proba (dict): Maps labels to their predicted probabilities label_type (str): One of CLASS_LABEL_TYPE or ENTITIES_LABEL_TYPE """ @property def is_correct(self): # For entities compare just the type, span and text for each entity. if self.label_type == ENTITIES_LABEL_TYPE: return entity_seqs_equal(self.expected, self.predicted) # For other label_types compare the full objects else: return self.expected == self.predicted
[docs]class RawResults: """Represents the raw results of a set of evaluated examples. Useful for generating stats and graphs. Attributes: predicted (list): A list of predictions. For sequences this is a list of lists, and for standard classifieris this is a 1d array. All classes are in their numeric representations for ease of use with evaluation libraries and graphing. expected (list): Same as predicted but contains the true or gold values. text_labels (list): A list of all the text label values, the index of the text label in this array is the numeric label predicted_flat (list): (Optional): For sequence models this is a flattened list of all predicted tags (1d array) expected_flat (list): (Optional): For sequence models this is a flattened list of all gold tags """ def __init__( self, predicted, expected, text_labels, predicted_flat=None, expected_flat=None ): self.predicted = predicted self.expected = expected self.text_labels = text_labels self.predicted_flat = predicted_flat self.expected_flat = expected_flat
[docs]class ModelEvaluation(namedtuple("ModelEvaluation", ["config", "results"])): """Represents the evaluation of a model at a specific configuration using a collection of examples and labels. Attributes: config (ModelConfig): The model config used during evaluation. results (list of EvaluatedExample): A list of the evaluated examples. """ def __init__(self, config, results): del results self.label_encoder = get_label_encoder(config)
[docs] def get_accuracy(self): """The accuracy represents the share of examples whose predicted labels exactly matched their expected labels. Returns: float: The accuracy of the model. """ num_examples = len(self.results) num_correct = len([e for e in self.results if e.is_correct]) return float(num_correct) / float(num_examples)
def __repr__(self): num_examples = len(self.results) num_correct = len(list(self.correct_results())) accuracy = self.get_accuracy() msg = "<{} score: {:.2%}, {} of {} example{} correct>" return msg.format( self.__class__.__name__, accuracy, num_correct, num_examples, "" if num_examples == 1 else "s", )
[docs] def correct_results(self): """ Returns: iterable: Collection of the examples which were correct """ for result in self.results: if result.is_correct: yield result
[docs] def incorrect_results(self): """ Returns: iterable: Collection of the examples which were incorrect """ for result in self.results: if not result.is_correct: yield result
[docs] def get_stats(self): """ Returns a structured stats object for evaluation. Returns: dict: Structured dict containing evaluation statistics. Contains precision, \ recall, f scores, support, etc. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def print_stats(self): """ Prints a useful stats table for evaluation. Returns: dict: Structured dict containing evaluation statistics. Contains precision, \ recall, f scores, support, etc. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def raw_results(self): """ Exposes raw vectors of expected and predicted for data scientists to use for any additional evaluation metrics or to generate graphs of their choice. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: * NamedTuple: RawResults named tuple containing * expected: vector of predicted classes (numeric value) * predicted: vector of gold classes (numeric value) * text_labels: a list of all the text label values, the index of the text label in * this array is the numeric label """ raise NotImplementedError
@staticmethod def _update_raw_result(label, text_labels, vec): """ Helper method for updating the text to numeric label vectors Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: * text_labels: The updated text_labels array * vec: The updated label vector with the given label appended """ if label not in text_labels: text_labels.append(label) vec.append(text_labels.index(label)) return text_labels, vec def _get_common_stats(self, raw_expected, raw_predicted, text_labels): """ Prints a useful stats table and returns a structured stats object for evaluation. Returns: dict: Structured dict containing evaluation statistics. Contains precision, \ recall, f scores, support, etc. """ labels = range(len(text_labels)) confusion_stats = self._get_confusion_matrix_and_counts( y_true=raw_expected, y_pred=raw_predicted ) stats_overall = self._get_overall_stats( y_true=raw_expected, y_pred=raw_predicted, labels=labels ) counts_overall = confusion_stats["counts_overall"] stats_overall["tp"] = stats_overall["tn"] = stats_overall["fp"] = counts_overall.fp stats_overall["fn"] = counts_overall.fn class_stats = self._get_class_stats( y_true=raw_expected, y_pred=raw_predicted, labels=labels ) counts_by_class = confusion_stats["counts_by_class"] class_stats["tp"] = class_stats["tn"] = class_stats["fp"] = counts_by_class.fp class_stats["fn"] = counts_by_class.fn return { "stats_overall": stats_overall, "class_labels": text_labels, "class_stats": class_stats, "confusion_matrix": confusion_stats["confusion_matrix"], } @staticmethod def _get_class_stats(y_true, y_pred, labels): """ Method for getting some basic statistics by class. Returns: dict: A structured dictionary containing precision, recall, f_beta, and support \ vectors (1 x number of classes) """ precision, recall, f_beta, support = score( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=labels ) stats = { "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f_beta": f_beta, "support": support, } return stats @staticmethod def _get_overall_stats(y_true, y_pred, labels): """ Method for getting some overall statistics. Returns: dict: A structured dictionary containing scalar values for f1 scores and overall \ accuracy. """ f1_weighted = f1_score( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=labels, average="weighted" ) f1_macro = f1_score( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=labels, average="macro" ) f1_micro = f1_score( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=labels, average="micro" ) accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) stats_overall = { "f1_weighted": f1_weighted, "f1_macro": f1_macro, "f1_micro": f1_micro, "accuracy": accuracy, } return stats_overall @staticmethod def _get_confusion_matrix_and_counts(y_true, y_pred): """ Generates the confusion matrix where each element Cij is the number of observations known to be in group i predicted to be in group j Returns: dict: Contains 2d array of the confusion matrix, and an array of tp, tn, fp, fn values """ confusion_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) tp_arr, tn_arr, fp_arr, fn_arr = [], [], [], [] num_classes = len(confusion_mat) for class_index in range(num_classes): # tp is C_classindex, classindex tp = confusion_mat[class_index][class_index] tp_arr.append(tp) # tn is the sum of Cij where i or j are not class_index mask = np.ones((num_classes, num_classes)) mask[:, class_index] = 0 mask[class_index, :] = 0 tn = np.sum(mask * confusion_mat) tn_arr.append(tn) # fp is the sum of Cij where j is class_index but i is not mask = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes)) mask[:, class_index] = 1 mask[class_index, class_index] = 0 fp = np.sum(mask * confusion_mat) fp_arr.append(fp) # fn is the sum of Cij where i is class_index but j is not mask = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes)) mask[class_index, :] = 1 mask[class_index, class_index] = 0 fn = np.sum(mask * confusion_mat) fn_arr.append(fn) Counts = namedtuple("Counts", ["tp", "tn", "fp", "fn"]) return { "confusion_matrix": confusion_mat, "counts_by_class": Counts(tp_arr, tn_arr, fp_arr, fn_arr), "counts_overall": Counts( sum(tp_arr), sum(tn_arr), sum(fp_arr), sum(fn_arr) ), } def _print_class_stats_table(self, stats, text_labels, title="Statistics by class"): """ Helper for printing a human readable table for class statistics Returns: None """ title_format = "{:>20}" + "{:>12}" * (len(stats)) common_stats = [ "f_beta", "precision", "recall", "support", "tp", "tn", "fp", "fn", ] stat_row_format = ( "{:>20}" + "{:>12.3f}" * 3 + "{:>12.0f}" * 5 + "{:>12.3f}" * (len(stats) - len(common_stats)) ) table_titles = common_stats + [ stat for stat in stats.keys() if stat not in common_stats ] print(title + ": \n") print(title_format.format("class", *table_titles)) for label_index, label in enumerate(text_labels): row = [] for stat in table_titles: row.append(stats[stat][label_index]) print(stat_row_format.format(self._truncate_label(label, 18), *row)) print("\n\n") def _print_class_matrix(self, matrix, text_labels): """ Helper for printing a human readable class by class table for displaying a confusion matrix Returns: None """ # Doesn't print if there isn't enough space to display the full matrix. if len(text_labels) > 10: print( "Not printing confusion matrix since it is too large. The full matrix is still" " included in the dictionary returned from get_stats()." ) return labels = range(len(text_labels)) title_format = "{:>15}" * (len(labels) + 1) stat_row_format = "{:>15}" * (len(labels) + 1) table_titles = [ self._truncate_label(text_labels[label], 10) for label in labels ] print("Confusion matrix: \n") print(title_format.format("", *table_titles)) for label_index, label in enumerate(text_labels): print( stat_row_format.format( self._truncate_label(label, 10), *matrix[label_index] ) ) print("\n\n") @staticmethod def _print_overall_stats_table(stats_overall, title="Overall statistics"): """ Helper for printing a human readable table for overall statistics Returns: None """ title_format = "{:>12}" * (len(stats_overall)) common_stats = ["accuracy", "f1_weighted", "tp", "tn", "fp", "fn"] stat_row_format = ( "{:>12.3f}" * 2 + "{:>12.0f}" * 4 + "{:>12.3f}" * (len(stats_overall) - len(common_stats)) ) table_titles = common_stats + [ stat for stat in stats_overall.keys() if stat not in common_stats ] print(title + ": \n") print(title_format.format(*table_titles)) row = [] for stat in table_titles: row.append(stats_overall[stat]) print(stat_row_format.format(*row)) print("\n\n") @staticmethod def _truncate_label(label, max_len): return (label[:max_len] + "..") if len(label) > max_len else label
[docs]class StandardModelEvaluation(ModelEvaluation):
[docs] def raw_results(self): """Returns the raw results of the model evaluation""" text_labels = [] predicted, expected = [], [] for result in self.results: text_labels, predicted = self._update_raw_result( result.predicted, text_labels, predicted ) text_labels, expected = self._update_raw_result( result.expected, text_labels, expected ) return RawResults( predicted=predicted, expected=expected, text_labels=text_labels )
[docs] def get_stats(self): """Prints model evaluation stats in a table to stdout""" raw_results = self.raw_results() stats = self._get_common_stats( raw_results.expected, raw_results.predicted, raw_results.text_labels ) # Note can add any stats specific to the standard model to any of the tables here return stats
[docs] def print_stats(self): """Prints model evaluation stats to stdout""" raw_results = self.raw_results() stats = self.get_stats() self._print_overall_stats_table(stats["stats_overall"]) self._print_class_stats_table(stats["class_stats"], raw_results.text_labels) self._print_class_matrix(stats["confusion_matrix"], raw_results.text_labels)
[docs]class SequenceModelEvaluation(ModelEvaluation): def __init__(self, config, results): self._tag_scheme = config.model_settings.get("tag_scheme", "IOB").upper() super().__init__(config, results)
[docs] def raw_results(self): """Returns the raw results of the model evaluation""" text_labels = [] predicted, expected = [], [] predicted_flat, expected_flat = [], [] for result in self.results: raw_predicted = self.label_encoder.encode( [result.predicted], examples=[result.example] )[0] raw_expected = self.label_encoder.encode( [result.expected], examples=[result.example] )[0] vec = [] for entity in raw_predicted: text_labels, vec = self._update_raw_result(entity, text_labels, vec) predicted.append(vec) predicted_flat.extend(vec) vec = [] for entity in raw_expected: text_labels, vec = self._update_raw_result(entity, text_labels, vec) expected.append(vec) expected_flat.extend(vec) return RawResults( predicted=predicted, expected=expected, text_labels=text_labels, predicted_flat=predicted_flat, expected_flat=expected_flat, )
def _get_sequence_stats(self): """ TODO: Generate additional sequence level stats """ sequence_accuracy = self.get_accuracy() return {"sequence_accuracy": sequence_accuracy} @staticmethod def _print_sequence_stats_table(sequence_stats): """ Helper for printing a human readable table for sequence statistics Returns: None """ title_format = "{:>18}" * (len(sequence_stats)) table_titles = ["sequence_accuracy"] stat_row_format = "{:>18.3f}" * (len(sequence_stats)) print("Sequence-level statistics: \n") print(title_format.format(*table_titles)) row = [] for stat in table_titles: row.append(sequence_stats[stat]) print(stat_row_format.format(*row)) print("\n\n")
[docs] def get_stats(self): """Prints model evaluation stats in a table to stdout""" raw_results = self.raw_results() stats = self._get_common_stats( raw_results.expected_flat, raw_results.predicted_flat, raw_results.text_labels, ) sequence_stats = self._get_sequence_stats() stats["sequence_stats"] = sequence_stats # Note: can add any stats specific to the sequence model to any of the tables here return stats
[docs] def print_stats(self): """Prints model evaluation stats to stdout""" raw_results = self.raw_results() stats = self.get_stats() self._print_overall_stats_table( stats["stats_overall"], "Overall tag-level statistics" ) self._print_class_stats_table( stats["class_stats"], raw_results.text_labels, "Tag-level statistics by class", ) self._print_class_matrix(stats["confusion_matrix"], raw_results.text_labels) self._print_sequence_stats_table(stats["sequence_stats"])
[docs]class EntityModelEvaluation(SequenceModelEvaluation): """Generates some statistics specific to entity recognition""" def _get_entity_boundary_stats(self): """ Calculate le, be, lbe, tp, tn, fp, fn as defined here: """ boundary_counts = BoundaryCounts() raw_results = self.raw_results() for expected_sequence, predicted_sequence in zip( raw_results.expected, raw_results.predicted ): expected_seq_labels = [ raw_results.text_labels[i] for i in expected_sequence ] predicted_seq_labels = [ raw_results.text_labels[i] for i in predicted_sequence ] boundary_counts = get_boundary_counts( expected_seq_labels, predicted_seq_labels, boundary_counts ) return boundary_counts.to_dict() @staticmethod def _print_boundary_stats(boundary_counts): title_format = "{:>12}" * (len(boundary_counts)) table_titles = boundary_counts.keys() stat_row_format = "{:>12}" * (len(boundary_counts)) print("Segment-level statistics: \n") print(title_format.format(*table_titles)) row = [] for stat in table_titles: row.append(boundary_counts[stat]) print(stat_row_format.format(*row)) print("\n\n")
[docs] def get_stats(self): stats = super().get_stats() if self._tag_scheme == "IOB": boundary_stats = self._get_entity_boundary_stats() stats["boundary_stats"] = boundary_stats return stats
[docs] def print_stats(self): raw_results = self.raw_results() stats = self.get_stats() self._print_overall_stats_table( stats["stats_overall"], "Overall tag-level statistics" ) self._print_class_stats_table( stats["class_stats"], raw_results.text_labels, "Tag-level statistics by class", ) self._print_class_matrix(stats["confusion_matrix"], raw_results.text_labels) if self._tag_scheme == "IOB": self._print_boundary_stats(stats["boundary_stats"]) self._print_sequence_stats_table(stats["sequence_stats"])