Source code for mindmeld.exceptions

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"""This module contains exceptions used by the mindmeld package."""

[docs]class MindMeldVersionWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]class MindMeldError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.message = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None
[docs]class BadMindMeldRequestError(MindMeldError): status_code = 400 def __init__(self, message, status_code=None, payload=None): super().__init__(message) self.message = message if status_code is not None: self.status_code = status_code self.payload = payload
[docs] def to_dict(self): obj = dict(self.payload or ()) obj["error"] = self.message return obj
[docs]class EmbeddingDownloadError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class AllowedNlpClassesKeyError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class UnconstrainedMaskError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class InvalidMaskError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class ClassifierLoadError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class ProcessorError(MindMeldError): """An exception which indicates an error with a processor.""" pass
[docs]class ParserTimeout(MindMeldError): """An exception for when parsing takes an unexpected length of time""" pass
[docs]class MarkupError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class SystemEntityMarkupError(MarkupError): pass
[docs]class SystemEntityResolutionError(MindMeldError): """An exception representing an error resolving a system entity""" pass
[docs]class KnowledgeBaseError(MindMeldError): """An exception for unexpected error from knowledge base.""" pass
[docs]class ElasticsearchVersionError(MindMeldError): """An exception for when the user would like to use funtionality not available with their version of ElasticSearch.""" pass
[docs]class ElasticsearchKnowledgeBaseConnectionError(KnowledgeBaseError): """An exception for problem connecting to knowledge base.""" def __init__(self, es_host): self.es_host = es_host if (not es_host) or (not es_host[0]): self.message = ( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch for knowledge base. Please" " verify your connection to localhost." ) else: es_host = [host["host"] for host in es_host] self.message = ( "Unable to connect to knowledge base. Please verify" " your connection to: {hosts}.".format(hosts=", ".join(es_host)) ) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class EntityResolverError(MindMeldError): """An exception for unexpected error from entity resolver.""" pass
[docs]class ElasticsearchConnectionError(EntityResolverError): """An exception for connection error to Elasticsearch for entity resolver""" def __init__(self, es_host): self.es_host = es_host if (not es_host) or (not es_host[0]): self.message = ( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch for entity resolution. " "Please verify your connection to localhost." ) else: es_host = [host["host"] for host in es_host] self.message = ( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch for entity resolution. " "Please verify your connection to: {hosts}.".format( hosts=", ".join(es_host) ) )
[docs]class AuthNotFoundError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class MindMeldVersionError(MindMeldError): pass
[docs]class MindMeldImportError(MindMeldError): pass