Source code for mindmeld.components.question_answerer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains the question answerer component of MindMeld.
import copy
import json
import logging
import numbers
import os
import pickle
import re
import unicodedata
import uuid
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2, radians
from typing import List, Union

import nltk
import numpy as np
from nltk.corpus import stopwords as nltk_stopwords
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize as nltk_word_tokenize

from ._config import (
from ._util import _is_module_available, _get_module_or_attr as _getattr
from .entity_resolver import EmbedderCosSimEntityResolver, TfIdfSparseCosSimEntityResolver
from ..core import Bunch
from ..exceptions import (
from ..models import create_embedder_model
from ..path import (
from ..query_factory import QueryFactory
from ..resource_loader import Hasher, ResourceLoader
from ..system_entity_recognizer import NoOpSystemEntityRecognizer
from ..text_preparation.text_preparation_pipeline import TextPreparationPipelineFactory
from ..text_preparation.tokenizers import WhiteSpaceTokenizer

if _is_module_available("elasticsearch"):
    from ._elasticsearch_helpers import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ALL_QUERY_TYPES = ["keyword", "text", "embedder", "embedder_keyword", "embedder_text"]

[docs]class QuestionAnswererFactory: """ Factory class for creating QuestionAnswerers usage >>> question_answerer = QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs) >>> question_answerer.load_kb(...) >>> question_answerer.get(...) # .get(...) or .build_search(...) """
[docs] @classmethod def create_question_answerer(cls, app_path=None, config=None, app_namespace=None, **kwargs): """ Args: app_path (str, optional): The path to the directory containing the app's data. If provided, used to obtain default 'app_namespace' and QA configurations app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. config (dict, optional): The QA config if passed directly rather than loaded from the app config """ config = cls._get_config(config, app_path) reformatted_config = cls._correct_deprecated_qa_config(config) model_type = reformatted_config.get("model_type") question_answerer_class = cls._get_question_answerer_class(model_type) return question_answerer_class( app_path=app_path, config=reformatted_config, app_namespace=app_namespace, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def _get_config(config=None, app_path=None): """ Returns inputted config if valid, else a question answerer config from app's config file is loaded and returned. """ if not config: return get_classifier_config("question_answering", app_path=app_path) return config @staticmethod def _correct_deprecated_qa_config(config): """ for backwards compatibility if the config is supplied in deprecated format, its format is corrected and returned, else it is not modified and returned as-is deprecated usage >>> config = { "model_type": "keyword", # or "text", "embedder", "embedder_keyword", etc. "model_settings": { ... } } new usage >>> config = { "model_type": "elasticsearch", # or "native" "model_settings": { "query_type": "keyword", # or "text", "embedder", "embedder_keyword", etc. ... } } """ if not config.get("model_settings", {}).get("query_type"): model_type = config.get("model_type") if not model_type: msg = f"Invalid 'model_type': {model_type} found while creating a QuestionAnswerer" raise ValueError(msg) if model_type in QUESTION_ANSWERER_MODEL_MAPPINGS: raise ValueError( "Could not find `query_type` in `model_settings` of question answerer") else: msg = "Using deprecated config format for Question Answerer. " \ "See for more details." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) config = copy.deepcopy(config) model_settings = config.get("model_settings", {}) model_settings.update({"query_type": model_type}) config["model_settings"] = model_settings config["model_type"] = "elasticsearch" return config @staticmethod def _get_question_answerer_class(model_type): if model_type not in QUESTION_ANSWERER_MODEL_MAPPINGS: msg = f"Expected 'model_type' in config of Question Answerer among " \ f"{[*QUESTION_ANSWERER_MODEL_MAPPINGS]} but found {model_type}" raise ValueError(msg) if model_type == "elasticsearch" and not _is_module_available("elasticsearch"): raise ImportError( "Must install the extra [elasticsearch] by running 'pip install " "mindmeld[elasticsearch]' to use Elasticsearch for question answering." ) return QUESTION_ANSWERER_MODEL_MAPPINGS[model_type]
[docs]class BaseQuestionAnswerer(ABC): # TODO: change name to QuestionAnswerer upon removing existing QuestionAnswerer class def __init__(self, app_path=None, config=None, app_namespace=None, **_kwargs): """ Args: app_path (str, optional): The path to the directory containing the app's data. If provided, used to obtain default 'app_namespace' and QA configurations config (dict, optional): The QA config if passed directly rather than loaded from the app config app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. If None, it's value is determined from the app_path. """ if not app_path and not app_namespace: msg = f"At least one of 'app_path' or 'app_namespace' must be inputted as arguments " \ f"while creating an instance of {self.__class__.__name__} in order to " \ f"distinctly identify the Knowledge Base indices being created." logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.app_path = os.path.abspath(app_path) if app_path else app_path self.app_namespace = app_namespace or get_app_namespace(self.app_path) self._qa_config = ( config or get_classifier_config("question_answering", app_path=self.app_path) ) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} query_type:{self.query_type} " \ f"app_path:{self.app_path} app_namespace:{self.app_namespace}>" @property def model_type(self) -> str: return self._qa_config.get("model_type") @property def query_type(self) -> str: _query_type = self._qa_config.get("model_settings", {}).get("query_type") if _query_type in ALL_QUERY_TYPES: return _query_type else: return DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE @property def model_settings(self) -> dict: model_settings = self._qa_config.get("model_settings", {}) # add defaults if model_settings.get("embedder_type") == "bert": default_pretrained_name_or_abspath = "sentence-transformers/bert-base-nli-mean-tokens" pretrained_name_or_abspath = model_settings.get("pretrained_name_or_abspath") if not pretrained_name_or_abspath: msg = f"Using a default value ('{default_pretrained_name_or_abspath}') " \ f"for the parameter 'pretrained_name_or_abspath' as NoneType value inputted." logger.warning(msg) pretrained_name_or_abspath = default_pretrained_name_or_abspath model_settings["pretrained_name_or_abspath"] = pretrained_name_or_abspath elif model_settings.get("embedder_type") == "glove": default_token_embedding_dimension = 300 token_embedding_dimension = model_settings.get("token_embedding_dimension") if not token_embedding_dimension: msg = f"Using a default value ('{default_token_embedding_dimension}') " \ f"for the parameter 'token_embedding_dimension' as NoneType value inputted." logger.warning(msg) token_embedding_dimension = default_token_embedding_dimension model_settings["token_embedding_dimension"] = token_embedding_dimension return model_settings
[docs] def load_kb(self, index_name, data_file, **kwargs): """Loads documents from disk into the specified index in the knowledge base. If an index with the specified name doesn't exist, a new index with that name will be created in the knowledge base. Args: index_name (str): The name of the new index to be created; can be any valid string data_file (str): The path to the data file containing the documents to be imported into the knowledge base index. It could be either json or jsonl file. Optional Args (used by all QA classes): app_namespace (str): A custom namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of two apps with same app name. clean (bool): Set to true if you want to delete an existing index and reindex it. If False (default), ElasticsearchQA just updates its index with new objects not deleting the old objects whereas NativeQA replaces old index with new index consisting of the inputted data file's KB objects. embedding_fields (list): List of embedding fields for the given index that can be directly passed-in instead of adding them to QA config or overriding QA config. Embedder information is generated and indexed only for the user specified fields and not all KB field names. If this list is empty, no fields have the embedder component even though 'embedder' keyword is specified in 'model_type'. Optional Args (Elasticsearch specific): es_host (str): The Elasticsearch host server. es_client (Elasticsearch): The Elasticsearch client. connect_timeout (int): The amount of time for a connection to the Elasticsearch host. """ if ( ("config" in kwargs and kwargs["config"]) or ("app_path" in kwargs and kwargs["app_path"]) ): msg = "Passing 'config' or 'app_path' to '.load_kb()' method is no longer " \ "supported. Create a Question Answerer instance with the required " \ "configurations and/or app path before calling '.load_kb()'." raise ValueError(msg) self._load_kb(index_name, data_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, index_name=None, size=10, query_type=None, app_namespace=None, **kwargs): """ Args: index_name (str): The name of an index. size (int): The maximum number of records, default to 10. query_type (str): Whether the search is over structured, unstructured and whether to use text signals for ranking, embedder signals, or both. id (str): The id of a particular document to retrieve. _sort (str): Specify the knowledge base field for custom sort. _sort_type (str): Specify custom sort type. Valid values are 'asc', 'desc' and 'distance'. _sort_location (dict): The origin location to be used when sorting by distance. Returns: list: A list of matching documents. """ index_name = self._resolve_deprecated_index_name(index_name, kwargs.pop("index", None)) return self._get(index=index_name, size=size, query_type=query_type, app_namespace=app_namespace, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _resolve_deprecated_index_name(index_name, index): if index: msg = "Input the index name to a question answerer method by using the argument name " \ "'index_name' instead of 'index'." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) index_name = index_name or index if not index_name: msg = "Missing one required argument: 'index_name'" raise TypeError(msg) return index_name @abstractmethod def _get(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _build_search(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _load_kb(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NativeQuestionAnswerer(BaseQuestionAnswerer): """ The question answerer is primarily an information retrieval system that provides all the necessary functionality for interacting with the application's knowledge base. This class uses Entity Resolvers in the backend to implement various underlying functionalities of question answerer. It consists of three important sub-classes: (1) *Indices* which maintains the different indices including fit entity resolvers used for inference, (2) *FieldResource* which forms the core of each index, encapsulating the fit resolvers and metadata related to each KB field, (3) *Search* class that is used to build custom search similar to what ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer offers. In addition, NativeQuestionAnswerer also offers same apis as the Elasticsearch one- .get(), .load_kb(), .build_search(). The created resolvers are dumped at DEFAULT_APP_PATH, whose directory serves as a common site to host all indices, similar to how all the indices of Elasticsearch are stored in a common directory on the disk. """ # a common resource loaded generally used across all resolvers during loading process # a class var because it is also used in the underlying `Indices` class RESOURCE_LOADER = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: resource_loader (ResourceLoader, optional): A resource loader object used by the underlying entity resolver models """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # update class' resource loader; use one if already passed-in resource_loader = kwargs.get("resource_loader") if not resource_loader: text_preparation_pipeline = \ TextPreparationPipelineFactory.create_text_preparation_pipeline( language="en", tokenizer=WhiteSpaceTokenizer() ) query_factory = QueryFactory.create_query_factory( app_path=None, text_preparation_pipeline=text_preparation_pipeline, system_entity_recognizer=NoOpSystemEntityRecognizer.get_instance() ) resource_loader = ResourceLoader.create_resource_loader( app_path=None, query_factory=query_factory ) NativeQuestionAnswerer.RESOURCE_LOADER = resource_loader def _load_kb(self, index_name, data_file, app_namespace=None, clean=False, embedding_fields=None, **kwargs): """Loads documents from disk into the specified index in the knowledge base. If an index with the specified name doesn't exist, a new index with that name will be created in the knowledge base. Args: index_name (str): The name of the new index to be created. data_file (str): The path to the data file containing the documents to be imported into the knowledge base index. It could be either json or jsonl file. app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. clean (bool, optional): Set to true if you want to delete an existing index and reindex it embedding_fields (list, optional): List of embedding fields can be directly passed in instead of adding them to QA config """ # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace query_type = self.query_type model_settings = self.model_settings # obtain a scoped index name using app_namespace and index_name scoped_index_name = get_scoped_index_name(app_namespace, index_name) # clean by deleting if clean: if NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.is_available(scoped_index_name): msg = f"Index '{index_name}' exists for app '{app_namespace}', deleting index." NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.delete_index(scoped_index_name) else: msg = f"Index '{index_name}' does not exist for app '{app_namespace}', " \ f"creating a new index." logger.warning(msg) # determine embedding fields embedding_fields = ( embedding_fields or model_settings.get("embedding_fields", {}).get(index_name, []) ) if embedding_fields: if "embedder" not in query_type: msg = f"Found KB fields to upload embedding (fields: {embedding_fields}) for " \ f"index '{index_name}' but query_type configured for this QA " \ f"({query_type}) has no 'embedder' phrase in it leading to not setting up " \ f"an embedder model. Ignoring provided 'embedding_fields'." logger.error(msg) embedding_fields = [] else: if "embedder" in query_type: logger.warning( "No embedding fields specified in the app config, continuing without " "generating embeddings. " ) def _doc_generator(_data_file): with open(_data_file) as data_fp: line = data_fp.readline() # fix related to Issue 220: if line.strip().startswith("["): logging.debug("Loading data from a json file.") docs = json.load(data_fp) for doc in docs: yield doc else: logging.debug("Loading data from a jsonl file.") for line in data_fp: doc = json.loads(line) yield doc def match_regex(string, pattern_list): return any([re.match(pattern, string) for pattern in pattern_list]) all_id2value = {} # a mapping from id to value(s) for each kb field all_ids = {} # maintained to keep a record of order-preserved-doc-ids of the knowledge base for doc in _doc_generator(data_file): # determine _id; once determined, it remains same for all keys of the doc _id = doc.get("id") if _id in all_ids: msg = f"Found a duplicate id {_id} while processing {data_file}. " _id = uuid.uuid4() msg += f"Replacing it and assigning a new id: {_id}" logger.warning(msg) if not _id: _id = uuid.uuid4() msg = f"Found an entry in {data_file} without a corresponding id. " \ f"Assigning a randomly generated new id ({_id}) for this KB object." logger.warning(msg) _id = str(_id) all_ids.update({_id: None}) # update data for key, value in doc.items(): if key not in all_id2value: all_id2value[key] = {} all_id2value[key].update({_id: value}) if clean: NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.delete_index(scoped_index_name) index_resources = {} # Fetch an index if it already exists try: index_resources = NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.get_index(scoped_index_name) except KnowledgeBaseError: pass for kb_field_name, id2value in all_id2value.items(): field_resource = index_resources.get(kb_field_name) if not field_resource: field_resource = NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResource( index_name=scoped_index_name, field_name=kb_field_name ) field_resource.update_resource( id2value, has_text_resolver=("text" in query_type or "keyword" in query_type), has_embedding_resolver=match_regex(kb_field_name, embedding_fields), resolver_model_settings=model_settings, # same settings for all fields clean=clean, processor_type="text" if "text" in query_type else "keyword", resource_loader=NativeQuestionAnswerer.RESOURCE_LOADER # one to all resolvers ) index_resources.update({kb_field_name: field_resource}) # update and dump NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.update_index_and_persist( scoped_index_name, index_resources, [*all_ids.keys()] ) def _get(self, index, size=10, query_type=None, app_namespace=None, **kwargs): doc_id = kwargs.get("id") query_type = query_type or self.query_type # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace # If an id was passed in, simply retrieve the specified document if doc_id: "Retrieve object from KB: index= '%s', id= '%s'.", index, doc_id ) s = self.build_search(index, app_namespace=app_namespace) if NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResource.is_number(doc_id): # if a number, look for that exact doc_id; no fuzzy match like in Elasticsearch QA s = s.filter(query_type=query_type, field="id", et=doc_id) # et == equals to else: s = s.filter(query_type=query_type, id=doc_id) # TODO: should consider s.query() to do fuzzy match like in Elasticsearch? # s = s.query(query_type=query_type, id=doc_id) results = s.execute(size=size) return results field = kwargs.pop("_sort", None) sort_type = kwargs.pop("_sort_type", None) location = kwargs.pop("_sort_location", None) s = self.build_search(index, app_namespace=app_namespace).query( query_type=query_type, **kwargs) if field and (sort_type or location): s.sort(field, sort_type=sort_type, location=location) results = s.execute(size=size) return results def _build_search(self, index, ranking_config=None, app_namespace=None): """Build a search object for advanced filtered search. Args: index (str): index name of knowledge base object. ranking_config (dict, optional): overriding ranking configuration parameters. app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. Returns: Search: a Search object for filtered search. """ if ranking_config: msg = f"'ranking_config' is currently discarded in {self.__class__.__name__}." logger.warning(msg) ranking_config = None # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace # get index name with app scope, and make it ready for inference scoped_index_name = get_scoped_index_name(app_namespace, index) return NativeQuestionAnswerer.Search(index=scoped_index_name)
[docs] class Indices: """ An object that hold all the indices for an app_path 'self._indices' has the following dictionary format, with keys as the index name and the value as the metadata of that index ''' { index_name1: {key11: FieldResource11, key12: FieldResource12, ...}, index_name2: {key21: FieldResource21, key22: FieldResource22, ...}, index_name3: {...}, ... } ''' Index metadata includes metadata of each field found in the KB. The metadata for each field is encapsulated in a `FieldResource` object which in-turn constitutes of metadata related to that specific field in the KB (across all ids in the KB) along with information such as what data-type that field belongs to (number, date, etc.), field name, & hash of the stored data. See `FieldResource` class docstrings for more details. """ def __init__(self, app_path): """ Args: app_path (str): A folder wherein the indices are stored """ self.app_path = app_path self._indices = {} # Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldResource]] # maintain a record of all doc ids of the indices when creating it from KB data self._indices_all_ids = {} # Dict[str, List[str]] def __contains__(self, index_name): if (index_name not in self._indices) ^ (index_name not in self._indices_all_ids): msg = f"Found an index name ({index_name}) present in only one of " \ f"`self._indices` and `self._indices_all_ids`. Maybe an error during " \ f"updating or loading the index?" logger.debug(msg) raise KeyError(msg) return index_name in self._indices def _get_index_cache_path(self, index_name, app_path=None): """ Returns a ache path for a specified index name using a (predetermined) formatted path. If an app_path is specified, it is substituted for a default app path in that formatted string. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name app_path (str, optional): The Mindmeld application's path where the index needs to be located. If unspecified, a default path is used. Returns: str: a path to cache indices Example: returns: ~/.cache/mindmeld/question_answerers/food_ordering$restaurants.pkl when: app_path=~/.cache/mindmeld/question_answerers and when: index_name = food_ordering$restaurants """ app_path = app_path or self.app_path return get_question_answerer_index_cache_file_path(app_path, index_name) # 'get' methods for accessing indices that are already loaded into memory
[docs] def get_all_ids(self, index_name): """ Returns all ids observed in the KB for the specified index name in chronological order. The specified index must already be loaded into the memory to obtain ids. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name Returns: List[str]: a list of ids observed in the KB during load-kb Raises: KeyError: When the specified (scoped) index name is not found in memory """ try: return self._indices_all_ids[index_name] except KeyError as e: msg = f"Index {index_name} does not exist in scope of {self.app_path}. " \ f"Consider creating or loading it before calling '.get_all_ids()'." raise KeyError(msg) from e
[docs] def get_metadata(self, index_name): """ Returns index's FieldResources' metadata objects if the index is available in memory. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name Returns: metadata (Dict[str, Bunch]): metadata associated with each field name of the index Raises: KeyError: When the specified (scoped) index name is not found in memory """ try: metadata = { field_name: field_resource.to_metadata() for field_name, field_resource in self._indices[index_name].items() } except KeyError as e: msg = f"Index {index_name} does not exist in scope of {self.app_path}. " \ f"Consider creating or loading it before calling '.get_all_ids()'." raise KeyError(msg) from e return metadata
[docs] def is_available(self, index_name): """ Checks for availability of a specified index name both in memory (i.e. if already loaded into memory at the time of checking) as well as in the cache path where are all the indices' metadata are stored. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name for checking its availability Returns: bool: True if index name is available in memory or in cache directory, else False """ return index_name in self or os.path.exists(self._get_index_cache_path(index_name))
[docs] def get_index(self, index_name): """ Returns the index corresponding to the specified index name. If the index is not found in memory, this method looks up the cache path to obtain the index. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name Returns: index_resources (Dict[str, FieldResource]): a dictionary of FieldResource, one for each field name in the index Raises: KnowledgeBaseError: if the specified index name is unavailable both in memory as well as disk """ if self.is_available(index_name): if index_name not in self: msg = f"Loading metadata for the scoped index name from disk: {index_name}" cache_path = self._get_index_cache_path(index_name) with open(cache_path, "rb") as opfile: metadata_objects = pickle.load(opfile) index_all_ids = metadata_objects.pop("__all_ids") index_resources = {} for field_name, cache_object in metadata_objects.items(): field_resource = ( NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResource.from_metadata(cache_object) ) field_resource.load_resolvers( resource_loader=NativeQuestionAnswerer.RESOURCE_LOADER ) index_resources.update({field_name: field_resource}) self._indices.update({index_name: index_resources}) self._indices_all_ids.update({index_name: index_all_ids}) else: msg = f"Consider creating indices first before using them. Specified scoped " \ f"index name {index_name} not found in list of known indices." raise KnowledgeBaseError(msg) return self._indices[index_name]
[docs] def delete_index(self, index_name): """ Deletes the index both from memory as well as disk """ if index_name in self: del self._indices[index_name] # free the pointer # clear index dump cache path, if required # Note: This might not delete the entity resolver data and need methods for doing same. cache_path = self._get_index_cache_path(index_name) if cache_path and os.path.exists(cache_path): os.remove(cache_path)
[docs] def update_index_and_persist(self, index_name, index_resources, index_all_ids): """ Updates the specified index's resources in the memory as well as dumps the metadata into disk for fast loading time later on. Note that this method is best used with the a load_kb() method wherein fit resources are frirst created before updating indices. During reloading of an index, use self.get_index_metadata() as well as fieldResource.update_resource() to obtain back a fit index. Args: index_name (str): A scoped index name for loading metadata index_resources (Dict[str, FieldResource]): Dict curated with all the KB fields and their FieldResources index_all_ids (List[str]): List of all ids observed for this index in the order they are present in the KB. """ # update memory self._indices.update({index_name: index_resources}) self._indices_all_ids.update({index_name: index_all_ids}) # dump to disk cache_path = self._get_index_cache_path(index_name) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_path), exist_ok=True) metadata = self.get_metadata(index_name) metadata.update({"__all_ids": index_all_ids}) with open(cache_path, "wb") as opfile: pickle.dump(metadata, opfile)
[docs] class FieldResourceDataHelper: """ A class that holds methods to aid validating, formatting and scoring different data types in a FieldResource object. """ DATA_TYPES = ["bool", "number", "string", "date", "location", "unknown"] DATE_FORMATS = ( '%Y', '%d %b', '%d %B', '%b %d', '%B %d', '%b %Y', '%B %Y', '%b, %Y', '%B, %Y', '%b %d, %Y', '%B %d, %Y', '%b %d %Y', '%B %d %Y', '%b %d,%Y', '%B %d,%Y', '%d %b, %Y', '%d %B, %Y', '%d %b %Y', '%d %B %Y', '%d %b,%Y', '%d %B,%Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y', '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y' ) @property def data_types(self): return self.__class__.DATA_TYPES @property def date_formats(self): return self.__class__.DATE_FORMATS @staticmethod def _get_date(value: str): value_date = None if not isinstance(value, str): return value_date # check if value can be resolved as-is for fmt in NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper.date_formats: try: value_date = datetime.strptime(value, fmt) return value_date except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # check if value can be resolved with some modifications for fmt in NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper.date_formats: for val in [value.replace("/", " "), value.replace("-", " ")]: if val != value: try: value_date = datetime.strptime(val, fmt) return value_date except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return value_date @staticmethod def _get_location(value: Union[dict, str, List]): # convert it into standard format, e.g. "37.77,122.41" if isinstance(value, dict) and "lat" in value and "lon" in value: # eg. {"lat": 37.77, "lon": 122.41} return ",".join([str(value["lat"]), str(value["lon"])]) elif isinstance(value, str) and "," in value and len(value.split(",")) == 2: # eg. "37.77,122.41" return value.strip() elif (isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2 and isinstance(value[0], numbers.Number) and isinstance(value[1], numbers.Number)): # eg. [37.77, 122.41] return ",".join([str(_value) for _value in value]) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def is_bool(value): return isinstance(value, bool)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_number(value): return isinstance(value, numbers.Number)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_string(value): return isinstance(value, str)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_list_of_strings(value): return (isinstance(value, (list, set)) and len(value) > 0 and all([isinstance(val, str) for val in value]))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_date(value): if NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper._get_date(value): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_location(value): if NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper._get_location(value): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def number_scorer(some_number): return some_number
[docs] @staticmethod def date_scorer(value): """ ascertains a suitable date format for input and returns number of days from origin date as score """ origin_date = target_date = NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper._get_date(value) if not target_date: target_date = origin_date # TODO: should this be configurable to days or seconds based on the app? return (target_date - origin_date).days
[docs] @staticmethod def location_scorer(some_location, source_location): """ Uses Haversine formula to find distance between two coordinates references: and Args: some_location (str): latitude and longitude supplied as comma separated strings, eg. "37.77,122.41" source_location (str): latitude and longitude supplied as comma separated strings, eg. "37.77,122.41" Returns: float: distance between the coordinates in kilometers Example 1: >>> point_1 = "37.78953146306901,-122.41160227491551" # SF in CA >>> point_2 = "47.65182346406002, -122.36765696283909" # Seattle in WA >>> location_scorer(point_1, point_2) >>> # 1096.98 kms (approx. points on Google maps says 680.23 miles/1094.72 kms) Example 2: >>> point_3, point_4 = "52.2296756,21.0122287", "52.406374,16.9251681" >>> location_scorer(point_3, point_4) >>> # 278.54 kms """ some_location = \ NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper._get_location(some_location) source_location = \ NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResourceDataHelper._get_location(source_location) R = 6373.0 # constant based on Haversine formula lat1, lon1 = [radians(float(ii.strip())) for ii in some_location.split(",")] lat2, lon2 = [radians(float(ii.strip())) for ii in source_location.split(",")] dlon, dlat = lon2 - lon1, lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) distance_haversine_formula = R * c return distance_haversine_formula
[docs] @staticmethod def min_max_normalizer(list_of_numbers): _min = min(list_of_numbers) list_of_numbers = [num - _min for num in list_of_numbers] _max = max(list_of_numbers) _max = 1.0 if not _max else _max list_of_numbers = [num / _max for num in list_of_numbers] return list_of_numbers
[docs] class FieldResourceHelper(FieldResourceDataHelper): @staticmethod def _auto_string_processor(string_or_strings, query_type, language='english'): if language != 'english': # TODO: implement support for non-english texts msg = "Only allowed language for text processing in QA is 'english'. " raise NotImplementedError(msg) try: english_stop_words = set(nltk_stopwords.words(language)) except LookupError:'stopwords') english_stop_words = set(nltk_stopwords.words(language)) english_stemmer = PorterStemmer() try: nltk_word_tokenize(" ") except LookupError:'punkt') def lowercase(string): return string.lower() def strip_accents(string): return ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', string) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')) def keyword_processor(string): # TODO: can add char_filters like Elasticsearch; see 'keyword_match_analyzer' in # 'components/' return strip_accents(lowercase(str(string))) def text_processor(string): string = strip_accents(lowercase(str(string))) word_tokens = nltk_word_tokenize(string) filtered_string = " ".join( [english_stemmer.stem(w) for w in word_tokens if w not in english_stop_words]) return filtered_string if "keyword" in query_type: processor = keyword_processor elif "text" in query_type: processor = text_processor else: raise ValueError("query_type in processor must contain 'text' or 'keyword' string") if isinstance(string_or_strings, str): return processor(string_or_strings) elif isinstance(string_or_strings, (list, set)): return [processor(string) for string in string_or_strings] else: raise ValueError("Input to auto processor must be string or list of strings") def _resolve_data_type(self, known_data_type, value): if known_data_type is not None: return try: value = value.strip() except AttributeError: pass if self.is_location(value): observed_data_type = "location" elif self.is_bool(value): observed_data_type = "bool" elif self.is_number(value): observed_data_type = "number" elif self.is_string(value) or self.is_list_of_strings(value): observed_data_type = "string" elif self.is_date(value): observed_data_type = "date" else: observed_data_type = "unknown" return observed_data_type def _validate_and_reformat_value( self, known_data_type, value, _id=None, field_name=None, index_name=None ): def _raise_error(): errmsg = f"Formatting error for the field {field_name}" \ f"{' in doc id' if _id else ''} {str(_id) if _id else ''} " \ f"in index {index_name}. Found an unexpected type {type(value)} " \ f"but expected the field value to have type {known_data_type}" logger.error(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) if known_data_type == "location": if not self.is_location(value): _raise_error() elif known_data_type == "bool": if not self.is_bool(value): _raise_error() elif known_data_type == "number": if not self.is_number(value): _raise_error() elif known_data_type == "string": if self.is_string(value): value = value.strip() elif self.is_list_of_strings(value): value = [val.strip() for val in value] else: _raise_error() elif known_data_type == "date": value = value.strip() if not self.is_date(value): _raise_error() return value def _get_resolvers_entity_map(self, id2value): """ converts id2value into an entity map format and returns it """ def _get_resolvers_whitelist(value): if isinstance(value, (set, list)): return list(value)[1:] return [] # new: # making 'value' into a list for cname and whitelist conversion. # If more than one items in 'value', all items after first one go into whitelist entity_map = { "entities": [ { "id": _id, "cname": self.get_resolvers_cname(value), "whitelist": _get_resolvers_whitelist(value) } for _id, value in id2value.items() ] } return entity_map
[docs] @staticmethod def get_resolvers_cname(value): if isinstance(value, (set, list)): return list(value)[0] return value
[docs] class FieldResource(FieldResourceHelper): """ An object encapsulating all resources necessary for search/filter/sort-ing on any field in the Knowledge Base. This class should only be used as part of `Indices` class and not in isolation. This class currently supports: - location strings, - date strings, - boolean, - number, - strings, and - list of strings. Any other data type (eg. dictionary type) is currently not supported and is marked as an 'unknown' data type. Such unknown data types fields do not have any associated resolvers. """ def __init__(self, index_name, field_name): # details to establish a scoped field name self.index_name = index_name self.field_name = field_name # vars that contain data of the field self.data_type = None self.id2value = {} # Resolvers don't dump data; so no data duplication on the disk self.hash = None # to identify any data changes before build resolver # details to create any required resolvers self.processor_type = None self.has_text_resolver = None self.has_embedding_resolver = None # required resolvers self._text_resolver = None # an entity resolver if string type data self._embedding_resolver = None # an embedding based entity resolver def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} " \ f"field_name: {self.field_name} " \ f"data_type: {self.data_type} " \ f"has_text_resolver: {self.has_text_resolver} " \ f"has_embedding_resolver: {self.has_embedding_resolver}"
[docs] def update_resource( self, id2value, has_text_resolver, has_embedding_resolver, resolver_model_settings=None, clean=False, app_path=DEFAULT_APP_PATH, processor_type="keyword", resource_loader=None ): """ Updates a field resource by fitting with latest data (if id2value is passed) or by loading already fit resolvers if no data changes take place. While loading from metadata, the `self.id2value` data is also loaded, which is in turn used to create the `new_hash`. Even if the `new_hash` is same as `self.hash` (implying no data changes), if the `self._text_resolver` is not fit but is required, the resolver is loaded instead of fitting. Args: id2value (dict): a mapping between documnet ids & values of the chosen KB field has_text_resolver (bool): If a tfidf resolver is to be created has_embedding_resolver (bool): If a embedder resolver is to be created resolver_model_settings (dict): A dictionary cocnsisting of model settings for the resolver models. Currently, the same setting is passed to all kinds of resolver models. clean (bool, optional): if True, resolvers are fit with clean=True app_path (str, optional): a path to create cache for embedder resolver processor_type (str, optional, "text" or "keyword"): processor for tfidf resolver resource_loader (ResourceLoader, optional): a resource loader object """ # reformat id2value's values if required and obtain data type from the data for _id, value in id2value.items(): # ignore null values if not isinstance(value, bool) and not value: continue # first non empty value will determine the data type of this field if not already # determined. will be 'unknown' if all values are empty or if there is a ambiguity # in deciding the data type. if not self.data_type: self.data_type = self._resolve_data_type(self.data_type, value) # validation and re-formatting to update database, no change for unknown data type try: value = self._validate_and_reformat_value( self.data_type, value, _id, self.field_name, self.index_name ) except TypeError: # implies that this field had different observed data type across different docs self.data_type = "unknown" self.id2value.update({_id: value}) # self.id2value is None (i.e initialized default) in cases wherein empty id2value is # passed in input arguments or if all KB objects have null data for this field if not self.id2value: msg = f"Found no data for field {self.field_name}. " logger.warning(msg) self.data_type = "unknown" # compute hash on latest data and ascertain resolver(s) requirement new_hash = None if self.data_type in ["bool", "number", "location", "unknown"]: # discard input arguments as resolvers are not applicable to these data types if has_text_resolver or has_embedding_resolver: msg = f"Unable to create any resolver for the field {self.field_name} due to " \ f"its marked data type '{self.data_type}'. " self.has_text_resolver = False self.has_embedding_resolver = False return else: # ["string", "date"] self.has_text_resolver = has_text_resolver self.has_embedding_resolver = has_embedding_resolver if not self.has_text_resolver and not self.has_embedding_resolver: msg = f"At least one of text or embedder resolver can be applied " \ f"for string type data field ({self.field_name}) but continuing " \ f"without fitting any resolvers due to your input 'query_type'" \ f"configuration. This might limit your search space during inference!" logger.warning(msg) return new_hash = Hasher(algorithm="sha256").hash( string=json.dumps(self.id2value, sort_keys=True) ) # tfidf based text resolver if ( self.has_text_resolver and ((new_hash != self.hash) or (self.processor_type != processor_type)) ): msg = f"Creating a text resolver for field '{self.field_name}' in " \ f"index '{self.index_name}'." # update processor type if processor_type not in ['text', 'keyword']: msg = f"Expected 'processor_type' to be among ['text', " \ f"'keyword'] but found to be of value '{processor_type}'" raise ValueError(msg) self.processor_type = processor_type # obtain a cache path resolver_cache_path = get_question_answerer_index_cache_file_path( app_path, get_scoped_index_name( get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), "text_resolver" )) # create a new resolver and fit resolver_model_settings = resolver_model_settings or {} self._text_resolver = TfIdfSparseCosSimEntityResolver( app_path=app_path, entity_type=get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), config={"model_settings": { **resolver_model_settings, "augment_max_synonyms_embeddings": False} }, resource_loader=resource_loader, ) entity_map = self._get_resolvers_entity_map( dict(zip( self.id2value.keys(), self._auto_string_processor( [*self.id2value.values()], self.processor_type ) )) ), clean=clean) # dump # ex: ~/.cache/mindmeld/question_answerers/ # {food_ordering}${restaurants}${field_name} # .pkl # .pkl.hash # .config.pkl self._text_resolver.dump(resolver_cache_path) # embedder resolver if self.has_embedding_resolver and new_hash != self.hash: msg = f"Creating an embedder resolver for field '{self.field_name}' in " \ f"index '{self.index_name}'." # obtain a cache path resolver_cache_path = get_question_answerer_index_cache_file_path( app_path, get_scoped_index_name( get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), "embedder_resolver" )) # create a new resolver and fit resolver_model_settings = resolver_model_settings or {} self._embedding_resolver = EmbedderCosSimEntityResolver( app_path=app_path, entity_type=get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), config={"model_settings": {**resolver_model_settings}}, resource_loader=resource_loader ) entity_map = self._get_resolvers_entity_map( self.id2value ) # use same data as text resolver but without any processing!, clean=clean) # dump # ex: ~/.cache/mindmeld/question_answerers/ # {food_ordering}${restaurants}${field_name} # .pkl.hash # .config.pkl # .embedder_cache.pkl self._embedding_resolver.dump(resolver_cache_path) self.hash = new_hash
[docs] def load_resolvers( self, app_path=DEFAULT_APP_PATH, resource_loader=None ): """ Loads a field resource by fitting with latest data (if id2value is passed) or by loading already fit resolvers if no data changes take place. Args: app_path (str, optional): a path to create cache for embedder resolver resource_loader (ResourceLoader, optional): a resource loader object """ def _err_fn(msg): logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) err_msg = "Error in loading FieldResource: " \ "'{name}' cannot be '{value}' when loading a " \ "FieldResource from metadata object. Your metadata object might have " \ "been corrupted.Consider loading kb with 'clean=True'." if self.data_type is None: _err_fn(err_msg.format(name="data_type", value=self.data_type)) if self.has_text_resolver is None: _err_fn(err_msg.format(name="has_text_resolver", value=self.has_text_resolver)) if self.has_embedding_resolver is None: _err_fn(err_msg.format( name="has_embedding_resolver", value=self.has_embedding_resolver)) if self.data_type in ["bool", "number", "location", "unknown"]: # discard input arguments as resolvers are not applicable to these data types if self.has_text_resolver or self.has_embedding_resolver: msg = f"Unable to create any resolver for the field {self.field_name} due to " \ f"its marked data type '{self.data_type}'. " self.has_text_resolver = False self.has_embedding_resolver = False return else: # ["string", "date"] if not self.has_text_resolver and not self.has_embedding_resolver: msg = f"At least one of text or embedder resolver can be applied " \ f"for string type data field ({self.field_name}) but continuing " \ f"without fitting any resolvers due to your input 'query_type'" \ f"configuration. This might limit your search space during inference!" logger.warning(msg) return # tfidf based text resolver if self.has_text_resolver: msg = f"Loading a text resolver for field '{self.field_name}' in " \ f"index '{self.index_name}'." if self.processor_type is None: _err_fn(err_msg.format(name="processor_type", value=self.processor_type)) try: # obtain a cache path resolver_cache_path = get_question_answerer_index_cache_file_path( app_path, get_scoped_index_name( get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), "text_resolver" )) # create a new instance of resolver and load it self._text_resolver = TfIdfSparseCosSimEntityResolver( app_path=app_path, entity_type=get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), resource_loader=resource_loader, ) entity_map = self._get_resolvers_entity_map( dict(zip( self.id2value.keys(), self._auto_string_processor( [*self.id2value.values()], self.processor_type ) )) ) self._text_resolver.load(path=resolver_cache_path, entity_map=entity_map) except Exception as e: msg = "Couldn't load a text resolver from cache path. Consider " \ "calling the 'load_kb()' method with argument 'clean=True'." logger.error(msg) raise KnowledgeBaseError(msg) from e # embedder resolver if self.has_embedding_resolver: msg = f"Loading an embedder resolver for field '{self.field_name}' in " \ f"index '{self.index_name}'." try: # obtain a cache path resolver_cache_path = get_question_answerer_index_cache_file_path( app_path, get_scoped_index_name( get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), "embedder_resolver" )) # create a new instance of resolver and load it self._embedding_resolver = EmbedderCosSimEntityResolver( app_path=app_path, entity_type=get_scoped_index_name(self.index_name, self.field_name), resource_loader=resource_loader, ) entity_map = self._get_resolvers_entity_map( self.id2value ) # use same data as text resolver but without any processing! self._embedding_resolver.load( path=resolver_cache_path, entity_map=entity_map ) except Exception as e: msg = "Couldn't load embedder resolver from cache path. Consider " \ "calling the 'load_kb()' method with argument 'clean=True'." logger.error(e) raise KnowledgeBaseError(msg) from e
[docs] def do_filter(self, allowed_ids, filter_text=None, gt=None, gte=None, lt=None, lte=None, et=None, boolean=None): """ Filters a list of docs to a subset based on some criteria such as a boolean value or {>,<,=} operations or a text snippet. """ if not allowed_ids: return allowed_ids self._do_filter_validation(filter_text, gt, gte, lt, lte, et, boolean) def _is_valid(value): if gt and not (value > gt): return False if gte and not (value >= gte): return False if lt and not (value < lt): return False if lte and not (value <= lte): return False if et and not (value != et): return False return True if self.data_type in ["number"]: def is_valid(value): return _is_valid(value) elif self.data_type in ["date"]: def is_valid(value): return _is_valid(abs(self.date_scorer(value))) # returns number of days elif self.data_type in ["bool"]: def is_valid(value): return value == boolean elif self.data_type in ["string"]: # different from Elasticsearch filtering on strings, this method only allows # exact presence of that input text and not a fuzzy match! filter_text = self._validate_and_reformat_value(self.data_type, filter_text) filter_text_aliases = {filter_text, filter_text.lower()} def is_valid(value): if value in filter_text_aliases: return True if value.lower() in filter_text_aliases: return True return False allowed_ids = {_id: None for _id in allowed_ids if _id in self.id2value and is_valid(self.id2value[_id])} return allowed_ids
[docs] def do_sort(self, curated_docs, sort_type, location=None): if not curated_docs: return curated_docs self._do_sort_validation(sort_type, location) validated_curated_docs, field_values = [], [] for doc in curated_docs: _id = doc["_id"] value = self.id2value.get(_id) if value is None: msg = f"Discarding doc with id: {doc['id']} while sorting as no " \ f"{self.field_name} field available for it." continue validated_curated_docs.append(doc) field_values.append(value) curated_docs = validated_curated_docs if self.data_type == "location": sort_type = "asc" field_values = [ self.location_scorer(value, location) for value in field_values ] elif self.data_type == "number": field_values = [self.number_scorer(value) for value in field_values] elif self.data_type == "date": field_values = [self.date_scorer(value) for value in field_values] _, results = zip(*sorted(enumerate(curated_docs), key=lambda x: field_values[x[0]], reverse=sort_type != "asc")) return results
def _do_search_validation(self, query_type): if self.data_type not in ["string", "date"]: msg = f"Searching is not allowed for data type '{self.data_type}'. " logger.error(msg) raise ValueError( "Query can only be defined on text and vector fields. If it is," " try running load_kb with clean=True and reinitializing your" " QuestionAnswerer object." ) if query_type not in ALL_QUERY_TYPES: msg = f"Unknown query type- {query_type}" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) def _do_filter_validation(self, filter_text, gt, gte, lt, lte, et, boolean): # code inspired and adapted from Elasticsearch QA class (see Sort/Filter/QueryClause) if self.data_type in ["number", "date"]: if ( not gt and not gte and not lt and not lte and not et ): raise ValueError("No range parameter is specified") elif gte and gt: raise ValueError( "Invalid range parameters. Cannot specify both 'gte' and 'gt'." ) elif lte and lt: raise ValueError( "Invalid range parameters. Cannot specify both 'lte' and 'lt'." ) elif (gt or gte or lt or lte) and et: raise ValueError( "Invalid range parameters. Cannot specify 'et' when specifying one of " "[gt, gte, lt, lte]" ) elif self.data_type in ["bool"]: if not isinstance(boolean, bool): raise ValueError( "Invalid boolean parameter." ) elif self.data_type in ["string"]: if not self.is_string(filter_text): raise ValueError( "Invalid textual input parameter." ) else: raise ValueError( "Custom filter can only be defined for boolean, number, string or date field." ) def _do_sort_validation(self, sort_type, location): # code inspired and adapted from Elasticsearch QA class (see Sort/Filter/QueryClause) SORT_ORDER_ASC = "asc" SORT_ORDER_DESC = "desc" SORT_DISTANCE = "distance" SORT_TYPES = {SORT_ORDER_ASC, SORT_ORDER_DESC, SORT_DISTANCE} if sort_type not in SORT_TYPES: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sort type '{}'".format(sort_type) ) if self.data_type == "location" and sort_type != SORT_DISTANCE: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sort type '{}'".format(sort_type) ) if self.data_type == "location" and not location: raise ValueError( "No origin location specified for sorting by distance." ) if sort_type == SORT_DISTANCE and self.data_type != "location": raise ValueError( "Sort by distance is only supported using 'location' field." ) if self.data_type not in ["number", "date", "location"]: raise ValueError( "Custom sort criteria can only be defined for" + " 'number', 'date' or 'location' fields." ) @property def doc_ids(self): return [*self.id2value.keys()]
[docs] @staticmethod def curate_docs_to_return(index_resources, _ids, _scores=None): """ Collates all field names into docs Args: index_resources: a dict of field names and corresponding FieldResource instances _ids (List[str]): if provided as a list of strings, only docs with those ids are obtained in the same order of the ids, else all ids are used _scores (List[number], optional): if provided as a list of numbers and of same size as the _ids, they will be attached to the curated results for corresponding _ids Returns: list[dict]: compiled docs """ docs = {} if _scores: if len(_scores) != len(_ids): msg = f"Number of ids ({len(_ids)}) supplied did not match " \ f"number of scores ({len(_scores)}). Discarding inputted scores " \ f"while curating docs for QA results. " logger.warning(msg) else: docs = {_id: {"_id": _id, "_score": _scores[i]} for i, _id in enumerate(_ids)} if not docs: # when no _scores are inputted or when number of _scores do not match umber of _ids docs = {_id: {"_id": _id} for _id in _ids} # populate docs for all collected ids for field_name, field_resource in index_resources.items(): for _id in _ids: try: docs[_id][field_name] = field_resource.id2value[_id] except KeyError: docs[_id][field_name] = None return [*docs.values()]
[docs] @classmethod def from_metadata(cls, cache_object: Bunch): """ Creates a fit resource from metadata Args: cache_object (Bunch): a Bunch dictionary object with attribute names and values Returns: FieldResource """ field_resource = cls(index_name=cache_object.index_name, field_name=cache_object.field_name) field_resource.data_type = cache_object.data_type field_resource.id2value = cache_object.id2value field_resource.hash = cache_object.hash field_resource.processor_type = cache_object.processor_type field_resource.has_text_resolver = cache_object.has_text_resolver field_resource.has_embedding_resolver = cache_object.has_embedding_resolver return field_resource
[docs] def to_metadata(self): """ Returns a Bunch object consisting of various details about the resource- (scoped) index name, the name of the KB field for which the resource is built for, the field's data type, all the KB data associated with this field, a hash that uniquely identifies the data, the data processor type and the presence of text as well as embedder resolvers. The returned metadata object does not contain any fit entity resolvers. Returns: Bunch: various meta information of this field resource """ cache_object = Bunch( index_name=self.index_name, field_name=self.field_name, data_type=self.data_type, id2value=self.id2value, hash=self.hash, processor_type=self.processor_type, has_text_resolver=self.has_text_resolver, has_embedding_resolver=self.has_embedding_resolver ) return cache_object
[docs] class Search: """ Search class enabling functionality to query, filter and sort. Utilizes various methods from Indices and FiledResource to compute results. Currently, the following are supported data types for each clause type: Query -> "string", "date" (assumes that "date" field exists as strings, both are supported through kwargs) Filter -> "number" and "date" (through range parameters), "bool" (though boolean parameter), "string" (through kwargs) Sort -> "number" and "date" (by specifying sort_type=asc or sort_type=desc), "location" (by specifying sort_type=distance and passing origin 'location' parameter) Note: This Search class supports more items than Elasticsearch based QA """ def __init__(self, index): """Initialize a Search object. """ self.index_name = index self._search_queries = {} self._filter_queries = {} self._sort_queries = {}
[docs] def query(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): for field, value in kwargs.items(): if field in self._search_queries: msg = f"Found a duplicate search clause against '{field}' field name. " \ "Utilizing only latest input." logger.warning(msg) self._search_queries.update({field: {"query_type": query_type, "value": value}}) return self
[docs] def filter(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): # Note: 'query_type' only kept to maintain similar arguments as ES based QA if query_type: query_type = None field = kwargs.pop("field", None) gt = kwargs.pop("gt", None) gte = kwargs.pop("gte", None) lt = kwargs.pop("lt", None) lte = kwargs.pop("lte", None) et = kwargs.pop("et", None) # NEW! support equals-to filter; similar to above boolean = kwargs.pop("boolean", None) # NEW! support boolean filter; input True/False # filter that operates on numeric values or date values or boolean if field: if field in self._filter_queries: msg = f"Found a duplicate filter clause against '{field}' field name. " \ "Utilizing only latest input." logger.warning(msg) self._filter_queries.update( {field: {"gt": gt, "gte": gte, "lt": lt, "lte": lte, "et": et, "boolean": boolean}} ) # filter that operates on strings; extract field name and query strings then else: for key, filter_text in kwargs.items(): if key in self._filter_queries: msg = f"Found a duplicate filter clause against '{key}' field name. " \ "Utilizing only latest input." logger.warning(msg) self._filter_queries.update({key: {"filter_text": filter_text}}) return self
[docs] def sort(self, field, sort_type=None, location=None): if field in self._sort_queries: msg = f"Found a duplicate sort clause against '{field}' field name. " \ "Utilizing only latest input." logger.warning(msg) self._sort_queries.update( {field: {"sort_type": sort_type, "location": location}}) return self
[docs] def execute(self, size=10): try: # fetch all indexes index_resources = NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.get_index(self.index_name) # obtain all doc ids in the order they were present in the KB index_all_ids = ( NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES.get_all_ids(self.index_name) ) except KeyError: msg = f"The index '{self.index_name}' looks unavailable. " \ f"Consider running '.load_kb(...)' to create indices " \ f"before creating search/filter/sort queries. " logger.error(msg) return [] def requires_field_resource(f, i): msg = f"The field '{f}' is not available in index '{i}'." logger.error(msg) raise ValueError("Invalid knowledge base field '{}'".format(f)) allowed_ids = None # if any filter queries exist, filter the necassary ids to do further processing if self._filter_queries: # can't make it set; preserve order allowed_ids = {_id: None for _id in index_all_ids} # get narrowed results for 'filter' clause for field_name, kwargs in self._filter_queries.items(): field_resource = index_resources.get(field_name) if not field_resource: requires_field_resource(field_name, self.index_name) allowed_ids = field_resource.do_filter(allowed_ids, **kwargs) # return if nothing to process in further steps if not allowed_ids: return [] # get results (aka. curated_docs) for 'query' clauses, in decreasing order of similarity n_scores = 0 scores = {} for field_name, kwargs in self._search_queries.items(): query_type = kwargs["query_type"] value = kwargs["value"] field_resource = index_resources.get(field_name) if not field_resource: requires_field_resource(field_name, self.index_name) this_field_scores = field_resource.do_search(query_type, value, allowed_ids) scores = {_id: (scores.get(_id, 0.0) + _score) / (n_scores + 1) for _id, _score in this_field_scores.items()} n_scores += 1 # pass in all indices if no similarities computed if scores: _ids, _scores = zip(*sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) else: _ids, _scores = allowed_ids or index_all_ids, None has_similarity_scores = _scores is not None curated_docs = ( NativeQuestionAnswerer.FieldResource.curate_docs_to_return( index_resources, _ids=_ids, _scores=_scores) ) # if sim scores are available, get the top_n and then sort only the top_n objects if has_similarity_scores: if len(curated_docs) > size: docs_scores = np.array([x["_score"] for x in curated_docs]) n_scores = len(docs_scores) top_inds = docs_scores.argpartition(n_scores - size)[-size:] curated_docs = [curated_docs[i] for i in top_inds] curated_docs = sorted(curated_docs, key=lambda x: x["_score"], reverse=True)[:size] # get sorted results for 'sort' clause, only on the resultant curated_docs for field_name, kwargs in self._sort_queries.items(): field_resource = index_resources.get(field_name) if not field_resource: requires_field_resource(field_name, self.index_name) curated_docs = field_resource.do_sort(curated_docs, **kwargs) curated_docs = curated_docs[:size] if len(curated_docs) < size: msg = f"Retrieved only {len(curated_docs)} matches instead of asked number " \ f"{size} for index '{self.index_name}'." # remove '_id' key field, as it meant for internal purposes only! # not removing '_score' key field, as user might need that for further analysis for doc in curated_docs: doc.pop("_id", None) return curated_docs
@classmethod def _unload_all_indices(cls): NativeQuestionAnswerer.ALL_INDICES = NativeQuestionAnswerer.Indices( app_path=DEFAULT_APP_PATH ) ALL_INDICES = Indices(app_path=DEFAULT_APP_PATH)
[docs]class ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer(BaseQuestionAnswerer): """ The question answerer is primarily an information retrieval system that provides all the necessary functionality for interacting with the application's knowledge base. This class uses Elasticsearch in the backend to implement various underlying functionalities of question answerer. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes a question answerer Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data es_host (str): The Elasticsearch host server """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._es_host = kwargs.get("es_host") self.__es_client = kwargs.get("es_client") self._es_field_info = {} # bug-fix: previously, '_embedder_model' is created only when 'model_type' is 'embedder' self._embedder_model = None if "embedder" in self.query_type: self._embedder_model = create_embedder_model( app_path=self.app_path or DEFAULT_APP_PATH, config=self.model_settings ) # An app path is necessary for creating a cache path for dumping embeddings cache @property def _es_client(self): # Lazily connect to Elasticsearch if self.__es_client is None: self.__es_client = create_es_client(self._es_host) return self.__es_client def _load_field_info(self, index): """load knowledge base field metadata information for the specified index. Args: index (str): index name. """ # load field info from local cache index_info = self._es_field_info.get(index, {}) if not index_info: try: # TODO: move the ES API call logic to ES helper self._es_field_info[index] = {} res = self._es_client.indices.get(index=index) if is_es_version_7(self._es_client): all_field_info = res[index]["mappings"]["properties"] else: all_field_info = res[index]["mappings"][DOC_TYPE]["properties"] for field_name in all_field_info: field_type = all_field_info[field_name].get("type") self._es_field_info[index][field_name] = ( ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.FieldInfo(field_name, field_type) ) except _getattr("elasticsearch", "ConnectionError") as e: logger.error( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch: %s details: %s", e.error,, ) raise ElasticsearchKnowledgeBaseConnectionError( es_host=self._es_client.transport.hosts ) from e except _getattr("elasticsearch", "TransportError") as e: logger.error( "Unexpected error occurred when sending requests to Elasticsearch: %s " "Status code: %s details: %s", e.error, e.status_code,, ) raise KnowledgeBaseError from e except _getattr("elasticsearch", "ElasticsearchException") as e: raise KnowledgeBaseError from e def _load_kb(self, index_name, data_file, app_namespace=None, clean=False, embedding_fields=None, es_host=None, es_client=None, connect_timeout=2, **kwargs): """Loads documents from disk into the specified index in the knowledge base. If an index with the specified name doesn't exist, a new index with that name will be created in the knowledge base. Args: index_name (str): The name of the new index to be created. data_file (str): The path to the data file containing the documents to be imported into the knowledge base index. It could be either json or jsonl file. app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. clean (bool, optional): Set to true if you want to delete an existing index and reindex it embedding_fields (list, optional): List of embedding fields can be directly passed in instead of adding them to QA config es_host (str, optional): The Elasticsearch host server. es_client (Elasticsearch, optional): The Elasticsearch client. connect_timeout (int, optional): The amount of time for a connection to the Elasticsearch host. """ # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace es_host = es_host or self._es_host es_client = es_client or self._es_client query_type = self.query_type model_settings = self.model_settings embedder_model = self._embedder_model # clean by deleting if clean: try: delete_index(app_namespace, index_name, es_host, es_client) except ValueError: msg = f"Index {index_name} does not exist for app {app_namespace}, " \ f"creating a new index" logger.warning(msg) # determine embedding fields embedding_fields = ( embedding_fields or model_settings.get("embedding_fields", {}).get(index_name, []) ) if embedding_fields: if "embedder" not in query_type: msg = f"Found KB fields to upload embedding (fields: {embedding_fields}) for " \ f"index '{index_name}' but query_type configured for this QA " \ f"({query_type}) has no 'embedder' phrase in it leading to not setting up " \ f"an embedder model. Ignoring provided 'embedding_fields'." logger.error(msg) embedding_fields = [] else: if "embedder" in query_type: logger.warning( "No embedding fields specified in the app config, continuing without " "generating embeddings although an embedder model is loaded. " ) def _doc_data_count(data_file): with open(data_file) as data_fp: line = data_fp.readline() # fix related to Issue 220: if line.strip().startswith("["): docs = json.load(data_fp) count = len(docs) else: count = 0 for line in data_fp: count += 1 return count def _doc_generator(data_file, embedder_model=None, embedding_fields=None): def match_regex(string, pattern_list): return any([re.match(pattern, string) for pattern in pattern_list]) def transform(doc, embedder_model, embedding_fields): if embedder_model and embedding_fields: embed_fields = [ (key, str(val)) for key, val in doc.items() if match_regex(key, embedding_fields) ] embed_keys = list(zip(*embed_fields))[0] embed_vals = embedder_model.get_encodings( list(zip(*embed_fields))[1] ) embedded_doc = { key + EMBEDDING_FIELD_STRING: emb.tolist() for key, emb in zip(embed_keys, embed_vals) } doc.update(embedded_doc) if not doc.get("id"): return doc base = {"_id": doc["id"]} base.update(doc) return base with open(data_file) as data_fp: line = data_fp.readline() # fix related to Issue 220: if line.strip().startswith("["): logging.debug("Loading data from a json file.") docs = json.load(data_fp) for doc in docs: yield transform(doc, embedder_model, embedding_fields) else: logging.debug("Loading data from a jsonl file.") for line in data_fp: doc = json.loads(line) yield transform(doc, embedder_model, embedding_fields) docs_count = _doc_data_count(data_file) docs = _doc_generator(data_file, embedder_model, embedding_fields) def _generate_mapping_data(embedder_model, embedding_fields): # generates a dictionary with any metadata needed to create the mapping" if not embedder_model: return {} MAX_ES_VECTOR_LEN = 2048 embedding_properties = [] mapping_data = {"embedding_properties": embedding_properties} dims = len(embedder_model.get_encodings(["encoding"])[0]) if dims > MAX_ES_VECTOR_LEN: logger.error( "Vectors in ElasticSearch must be less than size: %d", MAX_ES_VECTOR_LEN, ) for field in embedding_fields: embedding_properties.append( {"field": field + EMBEDDING_FIELD_STRING, "dims": dims} ) return mapping_data es_client = es_client or create_es_client(es_host) if is_es_version_7(es_client): mapping_data = _generate_mapping_data(embedder_model, embedding_fields) qa_mapping = create_index_mapping(DEFAULT_ES_QA_MAPPING, mapping_data) else: if embedder_model: logger.error( "You must upgrade to ElasticSearch 7 to use the embedding features." ) raise ElasticsearchVersionError qa_mapping = resolve_es_config_for_version(DEFAULT_ES_QA_MAPPING, es_client) load_index( app_namespace, index_name, docs, docs_count, qa_mapping, DOC_TYPE, es_host, es_client, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, ) # Saves the embedder model cache to disk if embedder_model: # as no cache_path is specified here, the cache is dumped at a path that is already # determined at the time of `embedder_model` initialization embedder_model.dump_cache() def _get(self, index, size=10, query_type=None, app_namespace=None, **kwargs): """Gets a collection of documents from the knowledge base matching the provided search criteria. This API provides a simple interface for developers to specify a list of knowledge base field and query string pairs to find best matches in a similar way as in common Web search interfaces. The knowledge base fields to be used depend on the mapping between NLU entity types and corresponding knowledge base objects. For example, a “cuisine” entity type can be mapped to either a knowledge base object or an attribute of a knowledge base object. The mapping is often application specific and is dependent on the data model developers choose to use when building the knowledge base. Examples: >>> question_answerer.get(index='menu_items', name='pork and shrimp', restaurant_id='B01CGKGQ40', _sort='price', _sort_type='asc') Args: index (str): The name of an index. size (int): The maximum number of records, default to 10. query_type (str): Whether the search is over structured, unstructured and whether to use text signals for ranking, embedder signals, or both. id (str): The id of a particular document to retrieve. _sort (str): Specify the knowledge base field for custom sort. _sort_type (str): Specify custom sort type. Valid values are 'asc', 'desc' and 'distance'. _sort_location (dict): The origin location to be used when sorting by distance. Returns: list: A list of matching documents. """ doc_id = kwargs.get("id") query_type = query_type or self.query_type # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace # If an id was passed in, simply retrieve the specified document if doc_id: "Retrieve object from KB: index= '%s', id= '%s'.", index, doc_id ) s = self.build_search(index, app_namespace=app_namespace) s = s.filter(query_type=query_type, id=doc_id) results = s.execute(size=size) return results sort_clause = {} query_clauses = [] # iterate through keyword arguments to get KB field and value pairs for search and custom # sort criteria for key, value in kwargs.items(): logger.debug("Processing argument: key= %s value= %s.", key, value) if key == "_sort": sort_clause["field"] = value elif key == "_sort_type": sort_clause["type"] = value elif key == "_sort_location": sort_clause["location"] = value elif "embedder" in query_type and self._embedder_model: if "text" in query_type or "keyword" in query_type: query_clauses.append({key: value}) embedded_value = self._embedder_model.get_encodings([value])[0] embedded_key = key + EMBEDDING_FIELD_STRING query_clauses.append({embedded_key: embedded_value}) else: query_clauses.append({key: value}) logger.debug("Added query clause: field= %s value= %s.", key, value) logger.debug("Custom sort criteria %s.", sort_clause) # build Search object with overriding ranking setting to require all query clauses are # matched. s = self.build_search(index, app_namespace=app_namespace, ranking_config={"query_clauses_operator": "and"}) # add query clauses to Search object. for clause in query_clauses: s = s.query(query_type=query_type, **clause) # add custom sort clause if specified. if sort_clause: s = s.sort( field=sort_clause.get("field"), sort_type=sort_clause.get("type"), location=sort_clause.get("location"), ) results = s.execute(size=size) return results def _build_search(self, index, ranking_config=None, app_namespace=None): """Build a search object for advanced filtered search. Args: index (str): index name of knowledge base object. ranking_config (dict, optional): overriding ranking configuration parameters. app_namespace (str, optional): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. Returns: Search: a Search object for filtered search. """ # fix related to Issue 219: app_namespace = app_namespace or self.app_namespace if not does_index_exist(app_namespace=app_namespace, index_name=index): raise ValueError("Knowledge base index '{}' does not exist.".format(index)) # get index name with app scope index = get_scoped_index_name(app_namespace, index) # load knowledge base field information for the specified index. self._load_field_info(index) return ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search( client=self._es_client, index=index, ranking_config=ranking_config, field_info=self._es_field_info[index], )
[docs] class Search: """This class models a generic filtered search in knowledge base. It allows developers to construct more complex knowledge base search criteria based on the application requirements. """ SYN_FIELD_SUFFIX = "$whitelist" def __init__(self, client, index, ranking_config=None, field_info=None): """Initialize a Search object. Args: client (Elasticsearch): Elasticsearch client. index (str): index name of knowledge base object. ranking_config (dict): overriding ranking configuration parameters for current search. field_info (dict): dictionary contains knowledge base matadata objects. """ self.index = index self.client = client self._clauses = {"query": [], "filter": [], "sort": []} self._ranking_config = ranking_config if not ranking_config: self._ranking_config = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_ES_RANKING_CONFIG) self._kb_field_info = field_info def _clone(self): """Clone a Search object. Returns: Search: cloned copy of the Search object. """ s = ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search(client=self.client, index=self.index) s._clauses = copy.deepcopy(self._clauses) s._ranking_config = copy.deepcopy(self._ranking_config) s._kb_field_info = copy.deepcopy(self._kb_field_info) return s def _build_query_clause(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): field, value = next(iter(kwargs.items())) field_info = self._kb_field_info.get(field) if not field_info: raise ValueError("Invalid knowledge base field '{}'".format(field)) # check whether the synonym field is available. By default the synonyms are # imported to "<field_name>$whitelist" field. synonym_field = ( field + self.SYN_FIELD_SUFFIX if self._kb_field_info.get(field + self.SYN_FIELD_SUFFIX) else None ) clause = ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search.QueryClause( field, field_info, value, query_type, synonym_field) clause.validate() self._clauses[clause.get_type()].append(clause) def _build_filter_clause(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): # set the filter type to be 'range' if any range operator is specified. if ( kwargs.get("gt") or kwargs.get("gte") or kwargs.get("lt") or kwargs.get("lte") ): field = kwargs.get("field") gt = kwargs.get("gt") gte = kwargs.get("gte") lt = kwargs.get("lt") lte = kwargs.get("lte") if field not in self._kb_field_info: raise ValueError("Invalid knowledge base field '{}'".format(field)) clause = ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search.FilterClause( field=field, field_info=self._kb_field_info.get(field), range_gt=gt, range_gte=gte, range_lt=lt, range_lte=lte, ) else: key, value = next(iter(kwargs.items())) if key not in self._kb_field_info: raise ValueError("Invalid knowledge base field '{}'".format(key)) clause = ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search.FilterClause( field=key, value=value, query_type=query_type) clause.validate() self._clauses[clause.get_type()].append(clause) def _build_sort_clause(self, **kwargs): sort_field = kwargs.get("field") sort_type = kwargs.get("sort_type") sort_location = kwargs.get("location") field_info = self._kb_field_info.get(sort_field) if not field_info: raise ValueError("Invalid knowledge base field '{}'".format(sort_field)) # only compute field stats if sort field is number or date type. field_stats = None if field_info.is_number_field() or field_info.is_date_field(): field_stats = self._get_field_stats(sort_field) clause = ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer.Search.SortClause( sort_field, field_info, sort_type, field_stats, sort_location ) clause.validate() self._clauses[clause.get_type()].append(clause) def _build_clause(self, clause_type, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): """Helper method to build query, filter and sort clauses. Args: clause_type (str): type of clause """ if clause_type == "query": self._build_query_clause(query_type, **kwargs) elif clause_type == "filter": self._build_filter_clause(query_type, **kwargs) elif clause_type == "sort": self._build_sort_clause(**kwargs) else: raise Exception("Unknown clause type.")
[docs] def query(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): """Specify the query text to match on a knowledge base text field. The query text is normalized and processed (based on query_type) to find matches in knowledge base using several text relevance scoring factors including exact matches, phrase matches and partial matches. Examples: >>> s = question_answerer.build_search(index='dish') >>> s.query(name='pad thai') In the example above the query text "pad thai" will be used to match against document field "name" in knowledge base index "dish". Args: a keyword argument to specify the query text and the knowledge base document field along with the query type (keyword/text/embedder/embedder_keyword/embedder_text). Returns: Search: a new Search object with added search criteria. """ new_search = self._clone() new_search._build_clause("query", query_type, **kwargs) return new_search
[docs] def filter(self, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, **kwargs): """Specify filter condition to be applied to specified knowledge base field. In MindMeld two types of filters are supported: text filter and range filters. Text filters are used to apply hard filters on specified knowledge base text fields. The filter text value is normalized and matched using entire text span against the knowledge base field. It's common to have filter conditions based on other resolved canonical entities. For example, in food ordering domain the resolved restaurant entity can be used as a filter to resolve dish entities. The exact knowledge base field to apply these filters depends on the knowledge base data model of the application. If the entity is not in the canonical form, a fuzzy filter can be applied by setting the query_type to 'text'. Range filters are used to filter with a value range on specified knowledge base number or date fields. Example use cases include price range filters and date range filters. Examples: add text filter: >>> s = question_answerer.build_search(index='menu_items') >>> s.filter(restaurant_id='B01CGKGQ40') add range filter: >>> s = question_answerer.build_search(index='menu_items') >>> s.filter(field='price', gte=1, lt=10) Args: query_type (str): Whether the filter is over structured or unstructured text. kwargs: A keyword argument to specify the filter text and the knowledge base text field. field (str): knowledge base field name for range filter. gt (number or str): range filter operator for greater than. gte (number or str): range filter operator for greater than or equal to. lt (number or str): range filter operator for less than. lte (number or str): range filter operator for less or equal to. Returns: Search: A new Search object with added search criteria. """ new_search = self._clone() new_search._build_clause("filter", query_type, **kwargs) return new_search
[docs] def sort(self, field, sort_type=None, location=None): """Specify custom sort criteria. Args: field (str): knowledge base field for sort. sort_type (str): sorting type. valid values are 'asc', 'desc' and 'distance'. 'asc' and 'desc' can be used to sort numeric or date fields and 'distance' can be used to sort by distance on geo_point fields. Default sort type is 'desc' if not specified. location (str): location (lat, lon) in geo_point format to be used as origin when sorting by 'distance' """ new_search = self._clone() new_search._build_clause( "sort", field=field, sort_type=sort_type, location=location ) return new_search
def _get_field_stats(self, field): """Get knowledge field statistics for custom sort functions. The field statistics is only available for number and date typed fields. Args: field(str): knowledge base field name Returns: dict: dictionary that contains knowledge base field statistics. """ stats_query = {"aggs": {}, "size": 0} stats_query["aggs"][field + "_min"] = {"min": {"field": field}} stats_query["aggs"][field + "_max"] = {"max": {"field": field}} res = index=self.index, body=stats_query, search_type="query_then_fetch" ) return { "min_value": res["aggregations"][field + "_min"]["value"], "max_value": res["aggregations"][field + "_max"]["value"], } def _build_es_query(self, size=10): """Build knowledge base search syntax based on provided search criteria. Args: size (int): The maximum number of records to fetch, default to 10. Returns: str: knowledge base search syntax for the current search object. """ es_query = { "query": { "function_score": { "query": {}, "functions": [], "score_mode": "sum", "boost_mode": "sum", } }, "_source": {"excludes": ["*" + self.SYN_FIELD_SUFFIX]}, "size": size, } if not self._clauses["query"] and not self._clauses["filter"]: # no query/filter clauses - use match_all es_query["query"]["function_score"]["query"] = {"match_all": {}} else: es_query["query"]["function_score"]["query"]["bool"] = {} if self._clauses["query"]: es_query_clauses = [] es_boost_functions = [] for clause in self._clauses["query"]: query_clause, boost_functions = clause.build_query() if query_clause: es_query_clauses.append(query_clause) es_boost_functions.extend(boost_functions) if self._ranking_config["query_clauses_operator"] == "and": es_query["query"]["function_score"]["query"]["bool"][ "must" ] = es_query_clauses else: es_query["query"]["function_score"]["query"]["bool"][ "should" ] = es_query_clauses # add all boost functions for the query clause # right now the only boost functions supported are exact match boosting for # CNAME and synonym whitelists. es_query["query"]["function_score"]["functions"].extend( es_boost_functions ) if self._clauses["filter"]: es_filter_clauses = {"bool": {"must": []}} for clause in self._clauses["filter"]: es_filter_clauses["bool"]["must"].append(clause.build_query()) es_query["query"]["function_score"]["query"]["bool"][ "filter" ] = es_filter_clauses # add scoring function for custom sort criteria for clause in self._clauses["sort"]: sort_function = clause.build_query() es_query["query"]["function_score"]["functions"].append(sort_function) logger.debug("ES query syntax: %s.", es_query) return es_query
[docs] def execute(self, size=10): """Executes the knowledge base search with provided criteria and returns matching documents. Args: size (int): The maximum number of records to fetch, default to 10. Returns: a list of matching documents. """ try: # TODO: move the ES API call logic to ES helper es_query = self._build_es_query(size=size) response =, body=es_query) # construct results, removing embedding metadata and exposing score results = [] for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]: item = {key: val for (key, val) in hit["_source"].items() if not key.endswith(EMBEDDING_FIELD_STRING)} item['_score'] = hit['_score'] results.append(item) return results except _getattr("elasticsearch", "ConnectionError") as e: logger.error( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch: %s details: %s", e.error, ) raise ElasticsearchKnowledgeBaseConnectionError( es_host=self.client.transport.hosts) from e except _getattr("elasticsearch", "TransportError") as e: logger.error( "Unexpected error occurred when sending requests to Elasticsearch: %s " "Status code: %s details: %s", e.error, e.status_code,, ) raise KnowledgeBaseError from e except _getattr("elasticsearch", "ElasticsearchException") as e: raise KnowledgeBaseError from e
[docs] class Clause(ABC): """This class models an abstract knowledge base clause.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a knowledge base clause""" self.clause_type = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def validate(self): """Validate the clause.""" raise NotImplementedError("Must override validate()")
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_query(self): """Build knowledge base query.""" raise NotImplementedError("Must override build_query()")
[docs] def get_type(self): """Returns clause type""" return self.clause_type
[docs] class QueryClause(Clause): """This class models a knowledge base query clause.""" DEFAULT_EXACT_MATCH_BOOSTING_WEIGHT = 100 def __init__( self, field, field_info, value, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, synonym_field=None, ): """Initialize a knowledge base query clause.""" self.field = field self.field_info = field_info self.value = value self.query_type = query_type self.syn_field = synonym_field self.clause_type = "query"
[docs] def build_query(self): """build knowledge base query for query clause""" # ES syntax is generated based on specified knowledge base field # the following ranking factors are considered: # 1. exact matches (with boosted weight) # 2. word N-gram matches # 3. character N-gram matches # 4. matches on synonym if available (exact, word N-gram and character N-gram): # for a knowledge base text field the synonym are indexed in a separate field # "<field name>$whitelist" if available. functions = [] if "embedder" in self.query_type and self.field_info.is_vector_field(): clause = None functions = [ { "script_score": { "script": { "source": "cosineSimilarity(params.field_embedding," " doc[params.matching_field]) + 1.0", "params": { "field_embedding": self.value.tolist(), "matching_field": self.field, }, } }, "weight": 10, } ] elif "text" in self.query_type: clause = { "bool": { "should": [ {"match": {self.field: {"query": self.value}}}, { "match": { self.field + ".processed_text": {"query": self.value} } }, ] } } elif "keyword" in self.query_type: clause = { "bool": { "should": [ {"match": {self.field: {"query": self.value}}}, { "match": { self.field + ".normalized_keyword": {"query": self.value} } }, { "match": { self.field + ".char_ngram": {"query": self.value} } }, ] } } else: raise Exception("Unknown query type.") if self.field_info.is_text_field(): # Boost function for boosting conditions, e.g. exact match boosting functions = [ { "filter": { "match": {self.field + ".normalized_keyword": self.value} }, "weight": self.DEFAULT_EXACT_MATCH_BOOSTING_WEIGHT, } ] # generate ES syntax for matching on synonym whitelist if available. if self.syn_field: clause["bool"]["should"].append( { "nested": { "path": self.syn_field, "score_mode": "max", "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "match": { self.syn_field + ".name.normalized_keyword": { "query": self.value } } }, { "match": { self.syn_field + ".name": {"query": self.value} } }, { "match": { self.syn_field + ".name.char_ngram": { "query": self.value } } }, ] } }, "inner_hits": {}, } } ) functions.append( { "filter": { "nested": { "path": self.syn_field, "query": { "match": { self.syn_field + ".name.normalized_keyword": self.value } }, } }, "weight": self.DEFAULT_EXACT_MATCH_BOOSTING_WEIGHT, } ) return clause, functions
[docs] def validate(self): if ( not self.field_info.is_text_field() and not self.field_info.is_vector_field() ): raise ValueError( "Query can only be defined on text and vector fields. If it is," " try running load_kb with clean=True and reinitializing your" " QuestionAnswerer object." )
[docs] class FilterClause(Clause): """This class models a knowledge base filter clause.""" def __init__( self, field, field_info=None, value=None, query_type=DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE, range_gt=None, range_gte=None, range_lt=None, range_lte=None, ): """Initialize a knowledge base filter clause. The filter type is determined by whether the range operators or value is passed in. """ self.field = field self.field_info = field_info self.value = value self.query_type = query_type self.range_gt = range_gt self.range_gte = range_gte self.range_lt = range_lt self.range_lte = range_lte if self.value: self.filter_type = "text" else: self.filter_type = "range" self.clause_type = "filter"
[docs] def build_query(self): """build knowledge base query for filter clause""" clause = {} if self.filter_type == "text": if self.field == "id": clause = {"term": {"id": self.value}} else: if self.query_type == "text": clause = { "match": {self.field + ".char_ngram": {"query": self.value}} } else: clause = { "match": { self.field + ".normalized_keyword": {"query": self.value} } } elif self.filter_type == "range": lower_bound = None upper_bound = None if self.range_gt: lower_bound = ("gt", self.range_gt) elif self.range_gte: lower_bound = ("gte", self.range_gte) if self.range_lt: upper_bound = ("lt", self.range_lt) elif self.range_lte: upper_bound = ("lte", self.range_lte) clause = {"range": {self.field: {}}} if lower_bound: clause["range"][self.field][lower_bound[0]] = lower_bound[1] if upper_bound: clause["range"][self.field][upper_bound[0]] = upper_bound[1] else: raise Exception("Unknown filter type.") return clause
[docs] def validate(self): if self.filter_type == "range": if ( not self.range_gt and not self.range_gte and not self.range_lt and not self.range_lte ): raise ValueError("No range parameter is specified") elif self.range_gte and self.range_gt: raise ValueError( "Invalid range parameters. Cannot specify both 'gte' and 'gt'." ) elif self.range_lte and self.range_lt: raise ValueError( "Invalid range parameters. Cannot specify both 'lte' and 'lt'." ) elif ( not self.field_info.is_number_field() and not self.field_info.is_date_field() ): raise ValueError( "Range filter can only be defined for number or date field." )
[docs] class SortClause(Clause): """This class models a knowledge base sort clause.""" SORT_ORDER_ASC = "asc" SORT_ORDER_DESC = "desc" SORT_DISTANCE = "distance" SORT_TYPES = {SORT_ORDER_ASC, SORT_ORDER_DESC, SORT_DISTANCE} # default weight for adjusting sort scores so that they will be on the same scale when # combined with text relevance scores. DEFAULT_SORT_WEIGHT = 30 def __init__( self, field, field_info=None, sort_type=None, field_stats=None, location=None, ): """Initialize a knowledge base sort clause""" self.field = field self.location = location self.sort_type = sort_type if sort_type else self.SORT_ORDER_DESC self.field_stats = field_stats self.field_info = field_info self.clause_type = "sort"
[docs] def build_query(self): """build knowledge base query for sort clause""" # sort by distance based on passed in origin if self.sort_type == "distance": origin = self.location scale = "5km" else: max_value = self.field_stats["max_value"] min_value = self.field_stats["min_value"] if self.field_info.is_date_field(): # ensure the timestamps for date fields are integer values max_value = int(max_value) min_value = int(min_value) # add time unit for date field scale = ( "{}ms".format(int(0.5 * (max_value - min_value))) if max_value != min_value else 1 ) else: scale = ( 0.5 * (max_value - min_value) if max_value != min_value else 1 ) if self.sort_type == "asc": origin = min_value else: origin = max_value sort_clause = { "linear": {self.field: {"origin": origin, "scale": scale}}, "weight": self.DEFAULT_SORT_WEIGHT, } return sort_clause
[docs] def validate(self): # validate the sort type to be valid. if self.sort_type not in self.SORT_TYPES: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sort type '{}'".format(self.sort_type) ) if self.field == "location" and self.sort_type != self.SORT_DISTANCE: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sort type '{}'".format(self.sort_type) ) if self.field == "location" and not self.location: raise ValueError( "No origin location specified for sorting by distance." ) if self.sort_type == self.SORT_DISTANCE and self.field != "location": raise ValueError( "Sort by distance is only supported using 'location' field." ) # validate the sort field is number, date or location field if not ( self.field_info.is_number_field() or self.field_info.is_date_field() or self.field_info.is_location_field() ): raise ValueError( "Custom sort criteria can only be defined for" + " 'number', 'date' or 'location' fields." )
[docs] class FieldInfo: """This class models an information source of a knowledge base field metadata""" NUMBER_TYPES = { "long", "integer", "short", "byte", "double", "float", "half_float", "scaled_float", } TEXT_TYPES = {"text", "keyword"} DATE_TYPES = {"date"} GEO_TYPES = {"geo_point"} VECTOR_TYPES = {"dense_vector"} def __init__(self, name, field_type): = name self.type = field_type
[docs] def get_name(self): """Returns knowledge base field name""" return
[docs] def get_type(self): """Returns knowledge base field type""" return self.type
[docs] def is_number_field(self): """Returns True if the knowledge base field is a number field, otherwise returns False """ return self.type in self.NUMBER_TYPES
[docs] def is_date_field(self): """Returns True if the knowledge base field is a date field, otherwise returns False""" return self.type in self.DATE_TYPES
[docs] def is_location_field(self): """Returns True if the knowledge base field is a location field, otherwise returns False """ return self.type in self.GEO_TYPES
[docs] def is_text_field(self): """Returns True if the knowledge base field is a text field, otherwise returns False""" return self.type in self.TEXT_TYPES
[docs] def is_vector_field(self): """Returns True if the knowledge base field is a vector field, otherwise returns False """ return self.type in self.VECTOR_TYPES
[docs]class QuestionAnswerer: """ Backwards compatible QuestionAnswerer class old usages (allowed but will soon be deprecated) # loading KB directly through class method >>> QuestionAnswerer.load_kb(...) # instantiating a QA object from QuestionAnswerer instead of QuestionAnswererFactory >>> question_answerer = QuestionAnswerer(app_path, resource_loader, es_host, config) new usages >>> question_answerer = QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs) # Use the QA object's methods to load KB and get search results, instead of class methods >>> question_answerer.load_kb(...) >>> question_answerer.get(...) # .get(...) and .build_search(...) """ DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = \ "Calling QuestionAnswerer class directly will be deprecated in future versions. " \ "To instantiate a QA instance, use the QuestionAnswererFactory by calling " \ "'qa = QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs)'. " \ "An instantiated QA can then be used as 'qa.load_kb(...)', 'qa.get(...)', etc. " \ "See for details about the various " \ "functionalities available with different question-answerers." def __new__(cls, app_path=None, resource_loader=None, es_host=None, config=None, **kwargs): """ This method is used to initialize a XxxQuestionAnswerer based on the model_type. To keep the code base backwards compatible, we use a '__new__()' way of creating instances alongside using a factory approach. For cases wherein a question-answerer is instantiated from 'QuestionAnswerer' class instead of 'QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer', this method is called before __init__ and returns an instance of a question-answerer. Due to this reason, see that the order of the arguments is similar to the previous version of QuestionAnswerer class in ''. """ warnings.warn(QuestionAnswerer.DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, DeprecationWarning) kwargs.update({ "app_path": app_path, "es_host": es_host, "config": config, "resource_loader": resource_loader, }) return QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def load_kb(cls, app_namespace, index_name, data_file, es_host=None, es_client=None, connect_timeout=2, clean=False, app_path=None, config=None, **kwargs): """ Implemented to maintain backward compatibility. Should be removed in future versions. Args: app_namespace (str): The namespace of the app. Used to prevent collisions between the indices of this app and those of other apps. index_name (str): The name of the new index to be created. data_file (str): The path to the data file containing the documents to be imported into the knowledge base index. It could be either json or jsonl file. es_host (str): The Elasticsearch host server. es_client (Elasticsearch): The Elasticsearch client. connect_timeout (int, optional): The amount of time for a connection to the Elasticsearch host. clean (bool): Set to true if you want to delete an existing index and reindex it app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data config (dict): The QA config if passed directly rather than loaded from the app config """ warnings.warn(QuestionAnswerer.DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, DeprecationWarning) # As a way to reduce entropy in using 'load_kb()' and it's related inconsistencies of not # exposing 'app_namespace' argument in '.get()' and '.build_search()', this reformatting # recommends that all these methods be used as instance methods and not as class methods. # By doing so, each QA object is meant to be used for one app_path/app_namespace and all # the indices in that app, while previously once could access any app's index. msg = "Calling the 'load_kb(...)' method directly from the QuestionAnswerer object " \ "like 'QuestionAnswerer.load_kb(...)' will be deprecated. New usage: " \ "'qa = QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs); " \ "qa.load_kb(...)'. Note that this change might also " \ "lead to creating different QA instances for different configs. " \ "See for more details. " warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) # add everything except 'index_name' and 'data_file' to kwargs, and create a QA instance kwargs.update({ "app_namespace": app_namespace, "es_host": es_host, "es_client": es_client, "connect_timeout": connect_timeout, "clean": clean, "config": config, "app_path": app_path, }) question_answerer = QuestionAnswererFactory.create_question_answerer(**kwargs) # only retain 'connection_timeout', 'clean' information as everything else is already # absorbed during instantiation above; the recommended way of passing configs to QA is # by passing those details during initialization, that way there exists no discrepancies # between loading and inference. kwargs.pop("app_namespace") kwargs.pop("es_host") kwargs.pop("es_client") kwargs.pop("config") kwargs.pop("app_path") question_answerer.load_kb(index_name, data_file, **kwargs)
QUESTION_ANSWERER_MODEL_MAPPINGS = { # TODO: Both QA classes assume input text is in English. # Going forward, this should be configurable and multilingual support should be added! "native": NativeQuestionAnswerer, "elasticsearch": ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerer }